01-11-1612 bap. Edward, son of John Farmer
31-08-1617 bap. Bridget, dau. of
John Farmer
29-08-1624 bur. the
wife of John Farmer
14-06-1613: U47/45/T48: mentions lands of
John Farmer
15-12-1617: Quarter Sessions: John Farmer
of Snodland, yeoman, surety for Jeremiah Norden of Snodland, labourer.
26-02-1622/3: U1515/T91a: John Farmer,
husbandman, and Bridgett his now wife (dau. of John Parmenter late of S, yeoman, deceased): 2 pieces of land in
Snodland field to Nicholas Coosen
of Cuxton, yeoman
21-02-1690/1: will of George Olive of Hammill, yeoman, bequeaths to son Thomas all that house,
land, etc. lately purchased of John Farmer
01-05-1677 marr. John Croxley Esqr
of Lincoln’s Inn and Mrs Martha Fance of Snodland
25-10-1601 bap. Johnes, f, Johannis fasset
10-?-1654 bap. Elzeabeth Fenner, dau. of Richard
07-11-1658 bur. Richard
04-01-1669/70 bur. William
04-02-1602/3 marr. Leonard Fletcher and Catherin Crips
23-11-1600 bap. Joanna Fletcher, filia
08-03-1608/9 bur. Jhon Fletcher
10-09-1608: Assizes 35/51/5, No. 352 in
printed calendar: murder of Andrew Whyte, blacksmith,
of Snodland, in the house of John Fletcher, victualler, at Snodland
18-04-1609 bap. Susan, dau. of William
Fletcher [ropemaker]
18-09-1609 marr. Edward Arkis and Jone Flecher, widdo
21-12-1611 bap. Elizabeth, dau.
of William Flecher; bur. 06-01-1618/19
01-11-1613 or 14 bap. Alce, dau.
of William Flecher
07-05-1616 bap. William, son of William Flecher
10-07-1610: Quarter Sessions: William
Fletcher to appear and answer [with John Giles of Newington, yeoman, and
06-07-1663 bur. a
child of John Flower
18-09-1664 bap. Debora, dau. of
John Flower
?-?-1668 bap. John, son of
John Flower; bur. 17-11-1668
06-01-1670/1 bur. John
Fletcher, householder
17-01-1674/5 bur. Mary
Flower, widow
Hearth Tax: 25-3-1663: John Flower: 2
Hearth Tax 1664: John Flowere:
1 [chimney]
14-06-1613: U47/45/T48: mentions lands of
Alice Forward, widow
20-09-1653: U47/38/T23: mentions George Feild of Shorne, tanner, only son
and heir of Alice Forward, daughter of Mary Averell,
late of Shinglewell, widow.
27-08-1613 bur. Elizabeth,
wife of Thomas Fowler
07-02-1613/14 marr. Thomas Fowler, widower, and Beteris Walter
30-07-1615 bap. Thomas, son of Thomas Fowler
26-01-1615/16 bap. Thomas, son of Thomas Fowler
[Sussex indictments] Feb. 1623: Moses Maye of East Peckham, butcher,
indicted for obtaining a cow by false pretences. A cow sold to Thomas Fowler of
Snodland, butcher, at £3. 6s. 8d.
26-02-1608/9 bur. Henry Furster
24-10-1631 marr. George Fusster and
Elizabeth Gyles
13-01-1632/3 bap. John, son of George Fuster
03-08-1625 bap. George, son of George Feuster
13-03-1670/1 bur. A
bastard daughter of Anne Fuster (Patri
incognito) which dyed before it could be baptized, was buryed
06-04-1671 bur. Anne Fulster
01-01-1633/4 bap. Royston, son of Mr Tho: Garway Rector
07-04-1635 bap. Hannah, dau. of Tho: Garway
21-01-1637?or8 bap. John, son of Thomas Garrawy
05-07-1640 bur. Samuell, son of Thomas Garraway
06-08-1648 bap. Rebeccah, dau. of Tho: Garraway
21-02-16667/ bur. Thomas Garrowaye Rector of Snodland
Institution to Rectory of Snodland: 17-10-1631
Hearth Tax: 1662, 1663, 1664: 3 chimneys
25: 22-02-1666/7: children Royston, Hannah and Abigail: executors of his estate
10-05-1612 bap. John, son of John Gavell;
bur. 02-01-1613/14
15-12-1612 bur. Dorothey Gavell, widdow
her will: DRb/Pwr
20, f.447: 08-12-1612; proved 15-10-1613:
son John £13. 6s. 8d. and one cow (at present in his keeping)
his children John and Ann: 40s. each
son Arthur: 10s.
son Richard: 10s.
son Robert: £13. 6s. 8d. (and household goods)
Elizabeth, wife of John Simons of Snodland
to son Henry, he to be executor
cousin: Thomas Showswell the elder
Will. Swan; John Simpson
03-05-1603 bur. John, son of John Geale
26-11-1609 bap. Ann, dau. of Renold Geere
04-01-1615/16 bur. Renold Geere
24-09-1618 bur. Samuel Geare
03-02-1627/8 bur. William Geare
12-01-1652 bap. George, son of Henery
27-03-1654 bap. Henery Gilbert,
son of Henrey
04-11-1656 bap. Elizabeth, dau.
of Henrey Gillbert
28-12-1664 bap. Alice, dau. of
Hennery Gilbert
21-04-1666 bur. Hennery Gilbert
21-10-1677 bap. Mary, dau. of
Henry Gilbert
07-01-1678/9 bur. Elizabeth Gilbert, widow
15-01-1680/1 bur. Henry Gilbert
17-06-1681 bur. Martha, wife of Henry Gilbert
07-01-1683/4 bap. Henry, son of Henry Gilbert
25-06-1688 marr. James Wyborn and
Alice Gilbert, both of S
16-10-1690 bur. Martha Gilbert
Tax: 1662: Henery Gilburd:
1 [chimney] [not chargeable]
Tax: 1664: Humphrey Gilbert: 1 [chimney] [not chargeable]
will of William Gull: Henry and Eliz. Gilbert are executors
23-10-1608 bap. William, son of William Gyles
06-03-1609/10 bap. Thomas, son of William Gyles
ye younger
02-03-1611/12 bap. Francis, son of William Gyles
the younger
15-10-1614 bur. William Gilles
18-01-1615/16 bur. William Gylles
02-11-1624 bur. the widow of William Gyles [Joan]
member of jury at inquest on Andrew Whyte [Assizes]:
of William Giles: CKS: DRb/Pwr 20, f.584: 09-10-1614;
proved 25-11-1614
to poor of Snodland:
‘all that my lease of the myll at halburough wth the two little houses over against the same’ to William
my son for life, then to son John, then to daughter Short
‘all that my pt of the hoye called the Thomas wth all
the tacklinge and goods therunto
belonging’ to be equally divided between WG’s two
sons John and William
William to pay John 40s. p.a.
out of the mill during his life
to my daughter Short’s two
children: 40s. a piece
rest to wife if she does not
re-marry; otherwise to the two children of my daughter Short
to kinsman Robert Welles: 40s.
lands in Snodland,
Birling and East Malling to
wife Joan for life; then the Snodland tenement, barn,
stable, garden and orchard in Snodland and Birling to son John
and the East Malling property to William and then to William, Thomas and
Francis, sons of the said William
the two little houses over
against the said mill at Holborough after the death
of John, to William and William’s heirs
witnesses named]
02-07-1610 marr. Thomas Shorte and Isabell Gyles
William Giles servant to William Monde, a farmer tenant of William Tilghman (1541)
at Holborough: see CKS: U522/T61: 31-05-1607
at S at 08-01-1600/1: see CKS: Q/SR1
18-01-1607/8 marr. John Gyles and Ann
E179/127/569: lay subsidy: John Gyles sen. £4 goods; 4s.
18-04-1620 bur. John Giles
of John Giles of Snodland, yeoman: DRb/Pw 25: 13-04-1620
to be buried in Snodland churchyard
all goods to wife Ann until
son John is 19
25-02-1627/8 marr. John Amisse widdower and Anne Gyles widdow, both of S
E179/127/572: lay subsidy: Ann Gylles widd. 2os lands; 16d
24-10-1631 marr. George Fusster and
Elizabeth Gyles
14-07-1630 marr. Thomas Edgworth of
Halling and Margaret Gyles
of S
E179/128/605: lay subsidy: John Amisse for his son
John Gyles 20s.; 8s.
to 09-04-1652: accused of activities against Parliament. Committees for
Advancement of money and for Compounding
12-09-1678: DRb/Pw 37; proved 18-10-1678
16-01-1640/1 bur. Namme Gyles
20-09-1678 bur. John Giles
Tax 1662, 1663, 1664: 5 chimneys
of the manor of Pottins: 1s.: U1121/M21/2 & 3:
14-09-1627: land called Birds Croft in Snodland [to
07-09-1656]. From 11-10-1687 to 31-07-1705 = Joan [widow] Giles. Then John
Giles in 1726/7
of John Giles: 12-09-1678; probate 18-10-1678; DRb/Pw
to wife Joan, all lands and
tenements in Kent for life
£10 p.a. to nephew Thomas
Edger (or to dau. of my cousin Henry Hall if Joan
Giles outlives Thomas Edger)
to daughters of Henry Hall
£100 between them, which is due to me by bond or obligation from Richard Hills
of Maidstone and John Hills his son
to my cousin Lindeny Luffe: £100 at age 18 or
to my cousin William Hall’s
son and daughter: £50 a piece at age 18
to my cousin John Edger, son
of John Edger, £50, or if he died before the age of 21, to son and daughter of
William Hall
to my cousin Thomas Edger’s
daughter: £50 (same conditions)
to my cousin John Short: £5
to my sister Margaret
Clements: 10s. for a ring
Joan Giles to be executrix
overseers: William Clemens and
Nicholas Luffe: 10s. each
witnessesL John Elliston; Nicholas Luffe; Joane Carnall
Giles: witness to will of John Short
Joan buried 08-09-1717 ‘being as was suppos’d an
hundred and three years of Age’
10-10-1717: death of Joan Giles: messuage, barn and land called Pond Field and Brickfeild = 24 acres: to Edward Hall, gent. [= Bennet’s Place]
Robert Godden a tenant of lands in Paddlesworth: CKS: U1121/M19
a tenant of lands in Paddlesworth: CKS: U1121/M19
29-04-1603 bap. Nevill, son of
Edward Goddin
21-02-1633/4 marr. Mr Nevell Goddin of S unto Esther Willmare
of Hamme in Essex
03-09-1670 bur. Nevill the son of Nevill
Godwin of Berling gent
glebe terrier mentions lands belonging to Nevell Goddin
25-04-1596 bap. Anthony, son of Edward Goddin
10-01-1635 bap. Edward, son of Anthony Goddyn
22-07-1640 bur. a child of Anthony Goddyns
were Thomas and Edward: lands in Paddlesworth and Pottins: CKS: U1121/M19 (1653)
John: (son
of George? bap. 10-03-1566/7)
24-08-1589 bap. Anthony, son of John Goddin
12-03-1591/2 bap. Susan, dau. of
John Goddin
18-04-1603 bap. Dorithy, dau. of John Godden
07-10-1593 bap. Thomas, son of Edward Goddin
18-09-1627 bur. Mercye Sharpe single woman and
servant to Thom: Goddin of Palsford
30-02-1633 bur. Richard Inge servant to Mr Tho: Goddyn
27-02-1654/5 bap. Martha, dau. of Tho: Goddin of Padlesworth
Thomas Godden witness to will of Edward Tilghman:
U1121/M21/2 (1627): tenant of lands in Paddlesworth
and Pottins with his brothers
E179/128/605: lay subsidy: Thomas Godden £3. 6s. 8d. goods
03-08-1600 bap. Thomas filius Samuelis
Goddin; bur. 25-11-1601
15-01-1603/4 bap. Samuell, son of
Samuel Godin
to Thomas Goddin (will: 28-06-1592)
for William Wells: 13-11-1604 (CKS:QM/SRc (p.462)
Jan Jac. 5 (=1606): CKS: U1515/T93: Samuel Goddens bond to Edward to performe
Covenants, & for further assurance.
Jac. (1610): CKS: U1515/T88A: Samuel Goddin for £60 releaseth to his br. Edward all his father Th. Lands in Snodland.
His bond against encumbrances.
Farningham, Yeoman’
Edward [I]:
Paddlesworth, yeoman
12-12-1591 bap. John, son of Edward Godden of Paddelsworth
07-10-1593 bap. Thomas, son of Edward Godden of Padelsworth
25-04-1596 bap. Anthony, son of Edward Godden of Padelsworth
02-11-1598 bap. Brigget, dau. of Edward Godden of Paddesworth
13-01-1600 bap. Edward, son of Edward Godden of Padelsworth
29-04-1603 bap. Nevill, son of
Edward Goddin
03-04-1608 bap. Elizabeth, dau.
of Edward Goddin of Padlesworth
27-08-1615 bur. Edward Goddin of Padlsworth
to will of Thomas Wassheness thelder
of Birling: 22-02-1585
to will of John Turke of Snodland:
of Paddlesworth at 21-04-1610 (CKS:Q/SR2)
for £60 receives from brother Edward his father Thomas’s lands in Snodland (CKS:U1515/T88A)
will of Alice Taylor (1611): bequeathed 10s.
Jas. I (1613): CKS:U47/45/T48: mentions lands of Edward Godden
Edward [II]:
13-01-1600 bap. Edward, son of Edward Godden of Paddlesworth
PROB 11 [65 Laud]: 08-02-14 Chas. II [=1662]; proved May 1662
and haberdasher of London
to son-in-law Brett Netter,
[married to dau. Jane] all that messuage, etc. in New
Romney, now or late occ. John Poynter
or his assigns ... other messuage called Roome House
which is in extent to my brother Robert Godwin ... in New Romney ... cottage in
the occ. of parishioners of Old Romney, between the
walls in Old Romney over against the church ... 30 acres of land at or near peeke hill near Smalhead in Tenterden ... other lands in Woodchurch
commonly called Susan lands alias Ruffe Lands ... Holdsondland near the windmill in Woodchurch
to Jane Netter, daughter of
Brett, £100 from rents of above at age 21 or marriage
to Elizabeth Longe, wife of Thomas Longe of Halling, £10
to Brett Netter ... messuage,
etc., at Aldington and Torndham
in occ. of John Rayner or
his assignes
to nephew Thomas Godding of West Malling, eldest
son of my brother Nevill Goddin
of Birling, gent., £100
to nephew Nevill
Goddin, youngest son of my brother Nevill Goddin £100
to seven youngest nieces,
daughters of my brother Nevill Goddin
£20 a piece at age 21
to Hester Goddin,
wife of Nevill Goddin
to Jane Osborne, widow, the
woman that attended me in the Fleet when I was prisoner there: £5
Snodland/Birling charity details set out
to brother Nevill
Goddin: 20s. to buy him a ring
to brother Robert Goddin 12d.
residue to son-in-law
27-02-1654 bap. Martha, dau. of Tho: Goddin of Padlesworth, gent
19-02-1599/1600 bap. Robert, son of ThomasCKS:U1515/T86:
19-05-1625: in occ. on messauge
and 22 ac. owned by Taylor family [= Gilder’s Farm]
19-02-1599/1600 bap. Robertus Gildinge filius Thoma.
05-06-1603 bap. Margret Goldinge, dau. of Thomas
28-10-1627 marr. Henry Gouldsmith
of Wouldham and Anne Usher of S
or 6 bap. Deborah, dau. of Henery Goldsmith
07-06-1640 bur. a dau. of Henery
of Pottins, Mich. 1650. Goldsmith, tenant to John
8 Chas. I [1632]. Henry Goldsmith = east of a tenement at Holborough
occ. William Gull.
14-04-1673 bur. Martin Goodbury
21-02-1673/4 bur. Mary Goodberry widow
04-06-1676 bap. William, son of Abraham Goodbury
25-08-1678 bap. Mary, dau. of
Abraham Goodbury
of Mary Goodbury, widow, of Snodland:
DRa/Pw2: 18-06-1673; proved 27-03-1674
to two grandchildren John Goodbury and Margaret Goodbury,
children of Martin Goodbury my eldest son that was:
10s. a piece at age 21
to son Thomas £6
to dau.
Elizabeth, wife of John Fryer of Gillingham: £5 and
wearing apparel
to son William: £6
rest to son Abraham, he to be
witnesses: Ann Parker; Richard
14-09-1670 bur. William Goteere aged (by his owne Computation) one hundred and eleven yeares
Hearth Tax: not chargeable; 1 chimney
Rimbronus Griffin, verbi
minister tunc et ibidem
01-01-1657 bap. Charles, son of James Grinsted
30-01-1663/4 bap. Eleazebeth, dau. of Jaymes Grinsted
27-05-1667 bap. John, son of James Greenstead
19-11-1673 bur. Margaret, wife of James Grinstead
24-09-1674 bur. John, son of James Greenstead
08-01-1684/5 bur. Elizabeth Grinstead
20-09-1690 bur. John Greenstead
Tax 1662 (2); 1663 (1); 1664 (2 chimneys)
of John Emerson of S (10-07-1611) mentions that his dau.
is Emme Grynsted
03-11-1657 bap. Mary, dau. of Willyam Greeges
for Advance of Money: 06-05-1650: said to have ridden in the King’s army in the
late rising in Kent.
06-09-1612 marr. William Gull and Ann Wynn
25-07-1613 bap. John, son of William Gull; bur. 31-07-1613
20-08-1615 bap. Margaret, dau. of
William Gull
29-01-1623/4 bur. Ann, wife of William Gull
07-01-1627/8 marr. William Gull of S and Allice
Dorrocke of Luddesdown
x-x-1628 bap. Elsebeth, dau. of William Gull
13-01-1632/3 bap. Ann, dau. of
William Gull
26-03-1635? bap. William, son of William Gull
U1515/T88B: 12-01- 8 Ch. I (1632): William Gull occ.
of tenement, orchard, garden at Holborough
15-10-1648 marr. William Gull and Joane
09-07-1661 bap. Janne, dau. of Willyam Gull
20-10-1663 bap. Wyllyam, son of Willyam Gull
28-08-1664 bur. William Cull
28-01-1664/5 bap. Thos., son of William Gull
09-02-1664/5 bur. Thos., son of Willyam Gull
administration: William Gull of Snodland; executors:
Henry and Elizabeth Gilbert
Tax 1662: William Gull: 2 [chimneys]
26-01-1668/9 marr. Thomas Gull and Mary Usher, both of S
06-03-1669/70 bap. Abigail, dau. of
Thomas Gull; bur. 04-03-1676/7
06-01-1672/3 bap. Mary, dau. Tho. Gull; bur. 24-09-1676
15-07-1677 bap. William, son of Thos. Gull
16-11-1686 bap. Mary, dau. of
Thomas Gull; bur. 27-11-1686
25-08-1689 bur. Thomas Gull
11-03-1689/90 bap. Mary, posthumous dau.
of Tho: Gull; bur. 23-11-1691
16-06-1690 marr. Thomas Seales and Mary Gull, widdow, both of S