© Andrew Ashbee, 2002
This list incorporates parishioners of Snodland who flourished during the 15th century, but who died before 1500. One or two later ones are included to show more of certain families. The abstracts of wills were gleaned many years ago, when the prime aim was to extract personal and place names. Most need re-visiting and checking. Links with Birling and with Halling are commonplace and it is not always easy to establish whether the person concerned lived in Snodland, or whether he/she just owned land here.
DRb Pa iv/320v: list of parish officers includes d[ominus] Radulphus Alderson capell’.
Ralph Alderson: witness to will of Thomas Stalworth [1497]
Ralph Alderson: curate of Snodland: Probate Act: V/53v [1499]
Thomas: married to Alice:
their son: William(d.1470): married Elizabeth Philip (sister of John: he d.1461):
William’s will: CKS: DRb Pwr iii, f.52v: 15 Jan 1469/70:
In the name of God. Amen. 15thday of January A.D. l469[/70] and in the ninth year of the reign of King Edward IV. I William Alisander of sound mind make my testament in this form. First I bequeath my soul to God who created and redeemed it, who is the true Redeemer of the lost and does not condemn those he has redeemed, the most blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints; my body to be buried in the porch of the church of All Saints of Snodelonde.
Item. I give to the high altar of the aforesaid church of Snodelonde for tithes omitted or forgotten 10s.
Item I give to the Rector of the aforesaid church to provide bread and wine for the most holy sacrament consecrated for one entire year to pray especially for the souls of Master John Lowe of good memory, late Bishop of Rochester, William Alisander, Thomas Alisander my father, Alice my mother, Elizabeth my wife and all my benefactors, and for the souls of all the faithful: 3s. 4d.
Item. I give to the same Rector one small and beautiful book of pleas and dirges, he to pray for my soul and the souls previously mentioned.
Item. I wish that an honest and suitable priest be appointed in the church of Snodelond for two entire years immediately following my decease to celebrate masses and say daily services with all the other observations and intercessions for the souls mentioned above.
Item. I give to the work in the church of Snodlonde 26s. 8d.
Item I give to all the lights in the church of Snodlonde 8d; a candle weighing one and a half pounds.
Item. I give to the clerk of the same church 6d.
Item. I give to the sacrist of the same church 16d.
Item. I give to the vicar of Northflete to the bestowing of bread and wine for the most holy sacrament consecrated on the alter for one entire year, he to pray for the souls mentioned above: 3s. 4d.
Item. I give to the church of Northflet where most need is: 6s. 8d.
Item. I give to the Prior and Community of Augustinian Brothers in the city of London a little silver cup weighing 5
ounces and 8s. 4d., that they especially say the office of the dead and 100 masses for the souls previously mentioned and in the same way I have arranged that the orders of preaching brothers - Minorites and Carmelites - in the city of London say 100 masses in their own convents for the souls previously mentioned: 8s. 4d. And I will that those masses previously mentioned shall be celebrated after my decease with all possible haste and with every hindrance disregarded.
Item. I give to the Carmelite Brothers of Aylesford that they especially say the office of the dead and 100 masses for the souls previously mentioned: 10s.
Item. I give to the same community there a large bowl weighing 14 ounces, that they pray for the souls mentioned above.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Lord John Avney, Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, a gold ring with a sapphire stone set in it.
Item. I give to the community in that same place a chased silver gilt cup with a gilded silver cover, weighing 26 silver Troy ounces, that the say the office of the dead and masses for the souls previously mentioned.
Item. I give to the Lady Abbess of Malling a chased silver cup weighing 14 oz.
Item. I give and bequeath to the prioress of Higham a chased silver cup weighing 14 ounces, she to pray for the souls previously mentioned.
Item I give and bequeath to Sir John Whitmore, Rector of the church of Stone, a cup of maple covered with gem-stones with silver and gilt weighing 16
Item. I give and bequeath to Sir Richard Legat a bound white book called Tulius in multis with other contents in the same.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son William my entire white bed (in
) dyed with flowers.
Item. I give to Juliane the wife of Richard Alisander a dress of red russet decorated with silver and gilt.
Item. I give to Margaret the daughter of the said Sir Richard and Juliane six spoons containing silver and an entire bed: that is to say 1 canvas, 1 mattress, 1 bolster, 2 blankets, 2 sheets, 1 coverlet.
Item. r give and bequeath to Sibille Harper of Northflete 3s. 4d.
Item. I give and bequeath to Margaret and Ysabelle, daughters of William Alisander, to each of them 20s.
Item. I give to Juliane Rodan of Stone 6s. 8d.
Item. I give and bequeath to the repairing and maintenance of the
bridge of Blackbrooke
Item. I give and bequeath to road repairs anywhere in Northflete 10s.
Item. I give and bequeath to Geoffrey my son ten pounds.
Item. I give and bequeath to the same Geoffrey after those last ten pounds abovesaid six marks.
Item. I give and bequeath to the same Geoffrey 16 marks which Richard Ffromond of Hadlo owes me.
Item. I give and bequeath to the same Geoffrey 40s
which John Goding of Hadlo owes me.
Item. I give and bequeath to the same Geoffrey my son all household goods, beds and bed linen etc. and utensils which I have in my tenements of
holweys and nasshynden
with all iron-work and other instruments which I have in the forge of Robert Permenter, jewels and money which were the property of the said William Alisander junior, provided that the same [Geoffrey] faithfully arranges [matters] - with exceptions and reservations and according to the tenor of my will according as he will want to answer before the Supreme Judge.
Item. I give and bequeath to Margaret, daughter of Richard Alysander, 20s.
Item. I give and bequeath to the work of the church of Bromeley 13s. 4d.
The true residue of all my goods not bequeathed, my debts and legacies fulfilled, I give and bequeath to William Alysandre my son.
The Executors of this my testament I ordain, make and constitute William Alisandre, my son, Roger Stalworth, William Petyr and Geoffrey Alysandre my son. Overseers of this my same testament I ordain and constitute my Master John Lowe, Archdeacon of Rochester, and John Pyrot, Rector of the church of Snodelond. And I will that each of my executors and supervisors aforesaid who shall have willingly taken the burden of administration upon themselves shall have for their labour in addition to their expenses 10s. Dated at Snodelond the day and year abovesaid.
He witnessed the wills of John Bamburgh (1449); Robert Hockyne (1453); Cecilia Andrew (1466); executor to rector: John Aston (1453)
Tenant of half an acre of land belonging to William Andrew of Halling [will, 1456]
31-8-1461: U1515/T80a: mentioned in feoffment below
1-12-1463: U1515/T81: feoffment and counterpart: William Alysander of Snodland and John Taylor of Halling.
15-12-1465: [DRc T326]: William Swan senior, William Peter and William Alisander of Snodland to Richard Bere of Southfleet: 2 acres and 43 dayworks of land in Dalefield in Southfleet, which they and Richard Bere had by gift and feoffment of Richard Romayn of Northfleet.
Lost brass: ‘Here in the church porch lyeth buried William Alisander, who gave a weekly stipend of bread to the poor for ever and died 1469’ [Weaver: The Ancient Funeral Monuments of England, 1631]
three sons:
(1) Geoffrey: married to Joan [?Fromond] (she died before 1471): their daughter: Katherine.
His will: 19 Sep 1471 CKS: DRb Pwr iii, f.
In the name of God Amen; 19 September 1471; I Geoffrey Alisander of Snodlond in the county of Kent, Gentilman, sound in body and mind, make my testament in this way:
First I give my
soul to God the omnipotent and my body to be buried in the parish church of Snodlond aforesaid by the burial of my father.
Item. I give to the holy altar there for my tenths forgotten 10s.
Item. I give to Sir Richard Legat parish priest in the same church 20s.
Item. I give to the crucifix light in the same church 20d
Item. I give to the making and mending of the shrine of the figure of the blessed virgin Mary lying with child in the aforesaid church 3s 4d.
Item. I give and bequeath [ ] Joan late my wife [ ]
image of blessed Mary of Walsingham.
Item. I give and bequeath to the
chapel of the blessed virgin Mary at Holboro
half a quarter of Barley.
Item. I give to the prior, subprior and convent of Carmelite Brothers of Aylesford ten shillings to be distributed to them at the discretion of my executors for the office of the dead and masses said by them for my soul.
The true residue of all my goods not bequeathed above and after my executors have settled all my debts and bequests, I give and bequeath to Katherine my daughter.
The true executors of my present testament I ordain, constitute and make William Alisander, my brother, and Sir John Perott, rector of the parish church of Snodlond, aforesaid. And I will that each shall have for his labour 10s.
These are witnesses: Richard Canon. Richard Stook. Thomas Ussher. John Taylor. John Heryng and many others. Dated at Snodlond aforesaid the day and year abovewritten
This is the last will of me Geoffrey Alisander of Snodlond in the county of Kent, made there the 9th day of September 1471 and in the 11th year of King Edward IV. First I will that when Katherine my daughter attains the age of fourteen years she shall have all those my lands and tenements which I have in the towns and in the parishes of Snodlond, Hallying and Paddylessworth and the rents with all the fines to her, her heirs and assigns for ever.
And I also will that my brother William shall have all and singular the profits from the foresaid lands and tenements in Snodlond,
Hallying and Paddlesworth until the day fixed in this present last will when the aforesaid Katherine, my daughter, reaches the age of fourteen years. And that the aforesaid William my brother shall give annually to the foresaid Katherine for her maintenance 50/-.
And I will that the said William my brother shall appoint eight honest priests in the
foresaid church of Snodlond for one year after my decease to celebrate for the soul of me, Geoffrey, my wife Joan, my father William and for all faithful souls.
I will that my daughter Katherine has all my moveable goods and cattle, living or dead, and all and singular the debts and whatever people owe to me in Snodlond, Hallyng, Padelesworth and Hadloo or elsewhere and all my jewels
And if the aforesaid Katherine my daughter dies before reaching the age of 14 years, then I will that Margaret Bisshoptre, the daughter of my brother Richard Alisander, shall have my tenement situated at Holbergh in the parish of Snodlond aforesaid, called
, with the
adjacent croft
comprising 21 acres of land and two rods of arable land,
two acres of pasture and three rods of wood
belonging to the said tenement, lying half in Snodlond and half in Hallyng, two acres of land (arable), lying in the parish of Snodlond aforesaid in
le dene
by the close called
Lench and Redeland
, the said Margaret to have and to hold these to her heirs and assigns for ever.
Item. I will that the aforesaid Margaret Bischoptre shall have all the remainder of the term of years given me by my father in
le Bery Newell in and by le Burghhill and under le legh
in the parish of Snodlond aforesaid as an indenture between John Low, well remembered the late Bishop of Rochester, and William Alisander my father plainly shows.
Lastly I will that if the aforesaid Katherine my daughter dies, which God forbid, then William Alisander my brother shall have my
tenement at Holbergh which was formerly John Olwey's
, with all lands, pasture and fields, woods and rents to the said tenement belonging, and also another of my
tenements at Lambyns
with the adjacent garden and all, and singular its appurtenances to have and to hold to the said William Alisander my brother, his heirs and assigns for ever.
Item. I will that that William my brother shall have the remainder of the term of years given me by my father in
18 acres of arable land lying in harolds dene
acres of arable land lying in le dene
by the close called
Lench and Redeland
in the parish of Snodland aforesaid as an indenture between John Lowe, well remembered late Bishop of Rochester and William Alisander my father plainly shows.
My last will is that the said William my brother then arranges for an honest priest to celebrate in the church of Snodlond aforesaid for 3 years for my soul (Geoffrey), Joan my wife, William Alisander my father and all the faithful departed.
And I will that the aforesaid William arranges for a wax candle to burn freely before the image of the blessed Mary of Piety in the said church for ever.
Item. I will that the aforesaid William my brother receives from Richard Fromond, executor of the testament of William Holden of the same place, deceased, 20 marks.
And I will that when William my brother receives and regains the said 20 marks, that then the said William my brother with those 20 marks
so received and regained shall arrange for an honest priest to celebrate in the church of Hadlo for two whole years for the soul of me, Geoffrey, Joan my wife, William Alisander my father and all the faithful departed. And if the said William my brother is not able to receive and regain the said 20 marks then I will that William my brother is released from making the aforesaid arrangement for a priest in the cchurch of Hadlo.
Item. I will that if the said Katherine my daughter dies (which God forbid) before reaching the age of 14 years then my executors shall have all my goods, cattle and moveables to pay my debts and legacies.
Item. I will that Richard Fromond of Hadlo is released from the 40s which he owes me. And I will that the said Richard has six of my sheep which are in his care. Item. I will that John Fromond of Hadlo aforesaid pays or causes to be paid to my executors 14 marks which he owes me of which 14 marks I will that my executors pay or cause to be paid to the two daughters of the same John five marks - which is to each of them 33s 4d.
And I will that my executors pay to the wife of the said John Fromond 6s 8d. And I will that my executors have the residue to pay my debts and legacies. Item. I will that Lady Margaret Fromond, mother of Joan my wife, of Hadlo aforesaid, is released from paying the 11 marks she owes me.
Item. I will that the wardens of the parish church of Snodlond shall have to repair the north
[ ] of the same church 40s.
Item. I will that Sibill Harp of Northflete shall have from my executors 6s 8d.
Item. I will that my executors pay towards repairs of
6s 8d.
Item. I will that Richard Fromond of Hadlo has my best blue gown.
Item. I. will that Dionisia Coke has a red kirtle and a blue gown which were my late wife’s and a pair of cloths valued at 6s 8d. and two measures of fruit and a quarter of barley and a ring with gold-work.
Item. I will that John Smyth has my dark-brown gown.
Item. I will that John Holden, brother of my wife, of Hadlo shall have my old doublet and a pair of stockings.
Item. I will that Roger Stalworth of Snodlond aforesaid
and the other feoffes of my father, with reciprocal agreement, shall deliver or cause to have delivered to the aforesaid Katherine my daughter when she reaches the age of 14 years sufficient estate, lordship and possessions of and in all and singular the lands and tenements which I have in Snodlend, Hallyng and Paddlesworth with all and singular their parts to her, her heirs and assigns for ever.
Item. I will that if the aforesaid Katherine my daughter dies (which God forbid) then I. will that the aforesaid feoffes of my father or any of them shall deliver to Margaret Bisshoptre and Wi1liam Alisander my brother sufficient estate, lordship and possessions of and in all the aforesaid lands and tenements which in this my present last will I have given, demised and conceded.
(2) William: married to ?: their daughters: Margaret; Ysobel.
Witnessed will of father
(3) Richard: married to Juliane: their daughter Margaret (d.1487) married Edward Bischoptre (d.1487). Bischoptre children: Emma: married to William Oliver/Claver; John; William.
William Andrew of Halling. [ -1456]
Will: CKS: DRb Pwr ii, f.76.
9 September 1456. To be buried at Halling.
Margaret A. and John A. ‘consanguine meo’
Elizabeth A.
Agnes Colys
Alice Canon, my daughter
William Huchon, my son
Robert Bownd
Alice Sleper
Peter Lyon
John Taylor
wife: Margaret
tenement with garden annexed: 1
2 acres above hakedale
3 rods in le northmede de holborow
to son and daughter: the
half-acre of land
of which William Alisander is tenant.
Half-acre in Snodland
to be sold.
Witnesses: Robert Andrew; John Andrew; John Taylor; John Kent.
John Andrewof Snodland. [<1424 - 1463]
wife is Cecilia;
daughters: Margaret [= John Bound]; [Joan = Pylcher]; Agnes [= Pylcher]
A witness to will of Robert Dowle (1445)
Executor to Margaret Renolds [DRb Pa 2, f.96v] 21 Oct 1448
U1515/T80. Mentioned in a feoffment: 31 Aug 1461:
U1515/T93. 1461-2. John Andrewe and Jo. Kent to Jo and Rob. Andrew ye sonnes of Hen. Andrew all ye pupart of a messuage in Holborgh 6 ac 3 rod 6 daywerc of land, meadow and woods in Snodland and Lodysdon , late of Th, and Will. Andrewe.
Will: CKS: DRb Pwr ii, f.260v; probate act: CKS: DRb Pa 3, f.469r, 470: 7 November 1463
bequests to high altar (12d); crucifix and Trinity lights: half a bushel of barley each; to a priest
to daughter Margaret: 13s 4d.
to daughter Joan: 20s.
residue to wife: Cecilia.
Masses to be said.
Witnesses: John Taylor; Henry Pilcher
Cecilia Andrew. [ - 1466/7]
Will: CKS: DRb Pwr ii, ff.363v-364v (Pentecost 1466); probate at Halling 13 January 1466-7.
To be buried in the churchyard.
To high altar 8d.; to lights 2 bushels of barley; 40d to
To amending the
bridge of Blackbrook
and the ways there: 6s. 8d.
To all children of John Bounde and Henry Pylcher 20d.
To my daughter Agnes Pylcher: utensils
To Thomas, son of Henry Pylcher
to Margaret Bound my daughter: 20s.
To Joan Pylcher my daughter 13s. 4d. and household stuff
To WilliamAndrew 2 bushels of barley
To William Spyring 12d.
To Alice, wife of John Andrewe of Halling 12d.
To Richard Stok and Walter Canon 12d.
Memorial masses and candles; 5 marks for the priest.
5 rods of ground at hedlande
in the parish of Snodland to be sold. All other lands and tenements in Snodland to be sold and proceeds distributed among C. A.’s daughters.
Witnesses: Richard Stok, Thomas Abslon, William Alisander.
William Andrew [ - 1460]
? Bequest to Joan, wife of William Andrew in will of William Canon (1459)
Probate act: DRb Pa 3, f.408v: 25 April 1460: executors Richard Canon and John ‘relat. sue.’
Walter/Watkyn Andrew. [<1437 - 1478/9]
[?2 men of this name; probably only one married twice]
Bequeathed 13s. 4d. in will of Robert Wedyngton of London: 1 Aug 1437
Bequest to Joan, wife of Walter Andrew, in will of Peter Fysher: 20 July 1444: possibly Joan was daughter of Peter Fisher: she was also bequeathed
3 rods of land lying by Larkedenge.
Witness to will of Margery Hockyng: 10 Aug 1455; executor for her: Probate act DRb Pa 2, f.286: 15 Mar 1455-6.
Executor to John French: will: 29 May 1457
Mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
Witness to will of Henry Scrivener: 1477
Will: DRb Pwr iii, f.226r-v and 296v-297r: 4 March 1478-9.
Wife is Alice
son is Walter: bequest of household utensils
son is Robert:
grandson (son of Robert) is John: bequest of household utensils
Alice to live in my
tenements in Burgate Street
for the rest of her life; then they to be sold to my feoffes, and the money coming to my executors to be given to an honest priest to sing for my [and other] souls in the church of Snodland.
All other
lands in Snodland and Birling
to be sold to my feoffes, except two oaks growing in the same ground, which I bequeath to Birling church. And another to Snodland church. The money to various services provided by Snodland church. Son Robert to be first chapman of my feoffes of all the said tenements and lands 40s within the price of any other
man; he to be first chapman of any other goods sold.
Robert Andrew [<1466 - 1487/8]
Mentioned in will of William Boteler, barber of Norwich: 29 Sep 1466: W.B.’s executor to receive from R.A. 5s [?rent] for Michaelmas term last past.
Witness to will of father Watkyn Andrew; also bequests to him: 4 Mar 1478-9
1485: CKS: U1515/T93. Robert Andrew de Snodland to Henry Taylor of Hallyng: half an acre in Snodland at Redeland.
Probate act: DRb Pa 4, f.215: 1487-8
Roger Andrew [<1485>]
Bequeathed 20d in will of William Holdernesse: 7 Sep 1485.
John Andrewof Halling
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.196v: 1491
son is Richard
lands in Halling and Snodland
Will of William Lancaster of Halling [DRb Pwr vi, f.321] mentions William Andrew, son of John Andrew of Snodland; William Andrew, son of my son Richard Andrew, late of Halling.
William Andrew [<1474 - 1512]
married Joan, daughter of Thomas and Christian Rowe, before Mar 1474.
Son is John [q.v.]
Daughter is Emma
Son is ‘Syr Roger Snodlande’ [presumably a priest?]
Grandchildren (children of John): William; John; Alice
Witness to will of William Holdernesse: 7 Sep 1485: given 20d for his labour
Executor of Johanna Stalworth: 1487
Executor of Sir William Wode (1487)
Witness to will of Roger Canon: 1492/3
Mentioned in will of John Smith (1513)
Will: DRb Pwr vi, f.315v: 27 Mar 1512; proved 24 April 1512
To be buried on south side of churychard
Bequests to various lights in the church; a bushel of barley to all god-children; to children and grandchildren as listed above.
Wife to have the tenement that I dwell in for life, with the land, and then to son John.
Daughter Emma to have ‘
my ten[emen]t called Fynkes with a little croft
Wife to have ‘
my little ten[emen]t set and lying agenste Potyn stile wt half and acre of lande
Witnesses: John Smyth; John Halywell; William Lancaster.
John Andrew
is son of William
Witness to will of John Smith: 20 June 1513
perhaps is godchild of William Hilles (1522)
1544 lay subsidy: ‘John Andrewe in goodes 6s. 8d.’
Walter Andrew
PRO: E179/124/195: lay subsidy: 6-4-1524: Walterus Andrewe in goods 40s; 12d subsidy
Roger Andrew
Witness to will of William Hylles: 23 May 1522
PRO: E179/124/195: lay subsidy: 6-4-1524: Rogerus Andrewe in goods 40s; 12d subsidy
Witness to will of Walter Andrew: 12 June 1532
Feoffe of William Smyth: 23 Sep 1535
GilesAndrew, son of Francis, baptized on 3 May 1559
Richard Arnold: witness of will of Thomas Hayloke: 16 Oct 1481
Will [to be seen]: DRb Pwr v, f.383r-v. [1500]
John Aston, Rector of Snodland
John Assheton, Rector of Snodland, mentioned as witness to will of Roger Haynes: 10 April 1439 [Regist. Wellys, 142r] [Arch. Cant. XX, 189]
DRb Pa i, f.151: and f.154; f.335: mentioned [custody of church goods and bequests]: 28 July 1440; 20 May 1443.
DRb Pa ii, f.215v: probate act for him: 14 Oct 1453
DRb Pwr i, f.141r: Will: 3 Jan 1447 with codicil Sep 1453:
In the name of God. Amen.
3 January, 1447/8 I John Aston, Rector of the church of Snodland, of sound mind and memory, make my testament as follows:
First I bequeath my soul to God my creator (and to) the blessed Virgin Mary and company of Saints, my body to be buried in the Chancel of my church at Snodland.
item. I give two candles of six pounds of wax to burn at the holy altar of the same church at usual and customary times.
Item. I give to all the lights in the same church 12d.
Item. I give to John Dirle, clerk in the same church 20d.
Item. I give to the sexton of the same church for [ ... ] my father and for ringing [the bell] 20d.
Item. I give to five clerks officiating at my burial and for saying masses in my aforesaid church on the day of my burial 5s. That is to each of them 12d. And in like manner I give to five clerks for saying obsequies and masses on the thirtieth day (after my decease) the same amount.
Item. I give to the Carmelite Brothers of Aylesford for praying for my soul, my parents’ and my benefactors’ and the souls of all the faithful departed 6s. 8d.
Item. I give to Thomasine, the wife of John Edward 40s.
Item. I give to all the sons and daughters of William Alisander known to me 3s. 4d.
Item. I give to John Kent my servant 26s. 8d.
Item. I give to John Jurdan the same amount.
Item. I give to all my [god-]sons and daughters in the parish of Snodland 1 bushel of barley.
Item. I give to John Phelyp 6s. 8d.
Item. I give to the church of Aston Canntelowe in the county of Warwick a book which is called Bible.
Item. I give 26s. 8d. for the maintenance of the vestments and other ornaments for the holy altar in the aforesaid church of Aston at the discretion of my executors..
Item. I give to maintenance of the
bridge of Blakebrok
. 6s. 8d.
Item. I wish that, if God wills, an honest priest will celebrate (pray) in my aforesaid church for one whole year after my decease for my soul, the souls of my parents and benefactors and for all the faithful departed and that he shall have for his labour five marks of silver (mark=13s. 4d.).
Item. I wish that on the anniversary of my death for each of the seven following years there be distributed to the poor and most needy in the parish of Snodland (to the value of ) 6s 8d. in money, or money and bread and other elements at the discretion of my executors.
John. Will: DRb Pwr i, f.80r-v: 17 December 1449
to be buried at Chatham
bequests for work at church at Snodelond; Hallyng; Padelesworth; Trottysclyf; St Margaret’s, Rochester; to Augustinian Minor Canons and Carmelites in London, Aylesford, Abbeys at Malling and Higham.
For a window to be made in the nave of Rochester Cathedral: 60s
bequests for soul of wife: Thomasine: buried at Priory of Higham
son John
Agnes, wife of my servant John Smyth
Father: William; Mother: Alice
bequests of grain: two quarters to Richard Ward; Bartholomew Ussher; Thomas Lovekyn; his wife Margaret
one quarter to John Boteler senior; John Boter junior; my servant William; John Essex; Thomas Kydort; my servant John
Executors: Richard Wootton; Sir John Wigmor, chaplain; John Crouch; Thomas Ussher; William Darell, armiger; Nicholas Wootton
Daughter Elizabeth = Richard Wootton
daughter Cecilia to have
manors without tenements of Langerygge, Trottisclyf, Clyve, Mepeham, Luddesdon
Bequest to him in will of John Halman (1443)
NB: Bamborough Bushes in Paddlesworth - named after him?
John the elder of Rochester; lived at Wouldham Hall
mentioned in will of Thomas Benet (1461)
overseer to will of John Boteler (6 March 1460/1)
24 Sep 1460: grant of lands to John Beauley by Thomas Benet, Edward Pekerynge and John Dobbys [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
1 Jan 1478: Roger Stalworth grants to Richard Cooke 7½ acres and ½ a virgate of land and meadow in Snodland which he lately had by the feoffment of John Holway, and released by John Beauly 30 December [1477]: [U1515/T93]
Will: DRb Pwr vi, ff.44v-45v 6 Henry VII [1480]
feoffes: John Perott, clerke [Rector of Snodland]; Robert Rede, servant of the late John Butler of lyntolln [Linton]; William Cobham; Thomas Pyinge esq.; Thomas Sybill; Thomas Sharpe; John Good, gent.
lands in Rochester and the suburbs of the same
son to arrange for memorial services at Snodland at feast of St John for the souls of Sir Thomas Dalby, late parson, Margaret Armbawthr his sister.
John Benet: witness to will of John Pole (1487)
Thomas Benet:
5 Feb 1427. Westminster. [Pardon of outlawry] Thomas Benet of Snodland, ‘fermer’, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench of Henry V, to answer Robert Clyfford esq., touching a plea of debt of 22 marks [Cal. Patent Rolls, 1422-9]
24 Sep 1460. Grant of lands to John Beauley [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
Will: DRb Pwr ii, f.223r: 12 July 1461 [Probate: DRb Pa iii, 444v and 446v: 26 April 1462]: executors wife Joan and John Pecklyn.
In the name of god Amen the xij day of Jule in the yere of our lorde mo cccc lxj I Thomas Benet of Snodland in my ful and hole mynde make my testament concynyng
my last Wyll in thys wyse. Ffyrst I bequeth my soule to ye blessyd Christe, Our lady seynte Mary my body to be bered in ye porch att ye Westdorr of ye Church of Snodland. Also I bequeth to ye makyng of ye same porch iiij mark of mony. Also to ye hye Autyr of ye same church xxd. Also to ye crosiytt in the same Chyrch iiijd. Also to our lady lyght in ye North Chapell of ye same Chyrch iiijd. Itm to our lady lyght of the pyte ijd; to mary mawkelyn lyght ijd. Also I Wyll yt ii Torchys prys of xijd be made and bryng me ther wt to the erth & moneth mynde. And aftyr yt I bequeth the same ii Torchys to ye chyrch of Snodland so yt my Wyfe have light of them at her beryyng. Also I wille & ordeyne yt Johne my Wyfe
& John Pekllyn be myn executors of thys my last Wyll & Thoms Dalby pson of Snodland be overseer of ye same my last Wyll. Also I bequeth to Johnne the doghtr of Willyam Canon A qrt of malt. And aftyr ye deth of my wyfe I Wyll yt ye seyde Johane have my Braspott of ii galons &
Also ye grettest posnet of myn & a rownde bason Also I Wyll that my Wyfe
have An acre &
of land lyyng at ye Bulor
in the pishe of Snodland for terme of lyfe. And aftyr her decese the remayndr ther of to ye seyde Johnne Canon to have to her & her heyres for evrmor. And yf she dye Wtout eyyr of her body than I Wyll yt ys same acr & a halfe of land be solde by John holewey my feoffe & ys mony ther of to be disposyd for my sowle And all my ffrendes sowlys. Also I Wyll yt ye seyde Johnne Canon have my grete Chest aftyr ye deth of my Wyfe. Also I bequeth to Elyzabeth my daughtr a lytyll posnet & a chyst yt was my moders aftyr ye deth of my Wyfe. Also I Wyll & bequeth to Johne my Wyfe ye resydu of all my godys & catalls & the Ammte of iiij mark that John Beauley owyt to pay to me for my place in Snodland duryng eteyn yeres on to ye Sums ther of beyng behynde be content & payde Alweys forseen that my detts be payde & my Wyll pformyd thys ys my last Wyll made & wryttyn at Snodland the day & the yer above seyde in psence of Thoms Dalby Clerk & John Beduley & other &c.
William Bereman: will: DRb Pwr i, f.6r-v [Latin]: 20 May 1442
wife Joan bequeathed a tenement
son John bequeathed land; executor
John Bereman/Borneman
bequeathed 4d and land in will of William (his father) 1442.
Bequest in will of Alice Canon: 1457
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
Will: DRb Pwr ii, f.230v, dated 1 Jan 1459/60; probate: DRb Pa iii, f.447v: 5 July 1462
to be buried in churchyard of Snodland
bequests to lights in the church
executors: wife, Joan and John Holeway: 12d each
son John
to daughters Margery, Margaret and Agnes:
3 rods of land with appurtenances in Snodland in the place called Bolours.
Witnesses: Roger Stalworth; Walter Canon; Thomas Lorkyn and others
Edward Bischoptre. Died 1 Sep 1487
mentioned in will of Thomas Haylocke: 1481
witness to will of Richard Stokke: 15 Mar 1485
Probate Act: Pwr Pa v, f.16r: 5 May 1488: John Perott, Rochester Cathedral
Margaret Bischoptre. Died 17 November 1487
was daughter of Richard Alisander; married to Edward Bischoptre
bequeathed house and land in will of Geoffrey Alisander (her uncle)
son John
son William
daughter Emma (married William Claver/Olaver)
Brass of Edward and Margaret in All Saints church
Probate Act: DRb Pa v, f.16r: 5 May 1488: John Perott and William Lancaster
Will: DRb Pwr
In the name of godd so be itt. In the xiij day of the monyth of Novembr In the yer of or lorde Jhu Criste mo cccc lxxxvij I Magaret Bischoptre of the pishe of Adyngton Wydow beyng hole in mynde Nethelesse seke in body make and orden my testament and last will as folwyth. First I beqweth my Sowle to almyghty godde & my body to be bereyd in the church of Snodland besyde the beryell of my husbande. I beqweth to the hy autr in the seyde church ffor tythes & offeryngs forgooten &c xxd. Also I beqweth to the hye Auter of Adyngton xijd. Also I beqweth to the ffyndyng of a Tap(er) to bren afore or lady in Gesyn
in the seyde church of Snodlande ii qutes of Barley. Itm I beqveth to the
edifying & byildyng of or lady chapell in holborow in the seyde pishe of Snodlande xls. To be payde wen eny pson or psons begynyth to bilde
And to pforme hett. Also I beqweth to Emme my dagtr my best bedde wt al apparell longyng to the same. Also I beqweth unto the same Emme my Grte cawddron ij Braspotts al my pewtr ... sett And al my Juells. And yf hett happe(n) the said Emme to dye a She comyth to lawfull Age of mariage Then I will that Margarett my Sistr have al the seyde Stuffe And I beqweth unto the seyde Margarett my Sistr my secunnde bedd wt al the apparell longyng therto, And a braspott. The residu of al my goods my detts & beqwests payde I geffe and beqweth to mastr John Perott And to Anthony lancaster whom I ordeyn and make myn executs They to dispose for the helth of my sowle as they thynke best godd to plese. Thes psons beyng prsent: Sir alen Gagge curat of Adyngtn Thoms teevs of Offhm Wiliam Godde of Reyershe wt other ...
This is the last wyll of me the seyde Margarett Bishoptre made & declared in my psnt wydowhoth the day and yere above wrytyn of and for the disposasn of all my lands & tents lying and beyng in the pishs of Snodlande with the terme of my fee ferme in the same And Eastmallyng or elswher in the Sher of kent. Pirst I will that myn executrs have the dy.t.t & pfetts wt the resseyts of al the seyde lands & tents in EastMallyng unto the seyde John my sone come to the age of xxij yers And also I Will yt my seyde executors in likewyse resseve in Snodlande unto
William my sone come unto the Age of xxij yers. Also I wil that myn executrs have the gydyng and the ruell of the seyde children unto the seyde Age. And also the Ruell and gydyng of Emme my dowgtr unto she come unto the Age of maryage And wt the proffetts of the seyde lands They to paye my detts & beqwests And to fynde my chideryn. And wt the residu yf eny be, to spende itt for the helth of my husbandes sowle and myn. And wen John my sone comyth to the Age of xxij yers Then I will that he have al the seyde lands and tents in Eastmallyng to hym to his heyres & Assigns for ever. Also I wil that William my sone have al my lands and tents in Snodlande farthwthe my terme in the ferme lands in the same To hym and to his heyrs for ever under the condicion that he paye & do to be payde unto Emme his sister x: mark wen she comyth to lawfull yers of mariage. And yf itt happe(n) the seyde William my sone to dye within the seyde
age of xxii yers Then I will that myn executrs Sell the seyde lands and tents wt my trne of the seyde ffee ferme in Snodlande aforsayde paying unto the seyde Emme my dawtr xxli And the residu of the money yf eny be to be spente for teh helth of my husbands sowle and myn. And the And yf the seyde lands and temts wt my terme in the fee ferme in Snodlande can nott be solde to The levy valu Then I will that Emme my dagtr have the seyde lands & tents wt my fee ferme in Snodlande to her and to her heyres for ever. And yf it happe The sayde Emme to die wt owte heyrs of her body lawfully begooten wtin the seyde age of mariage Then I will that al the seyde lands and tents wt my fee ferme in Snodlande remayn unto Margarett my Sister to hir heyrs and assigns for ever. Pvided. alvay thatt yf itt happe al my chideryn: to dye And Also my Sister Margarett wtowte herys of ther bodyes lawfully begotten Then I will that all the seyde lands And tents as well in Eastmallyng as in Snodlande wt my seyde tme of fee ferme in the same be solde by myn Execntrs Or ther Assigns And the money ther of to be spend in workes of charyte by the discrecion of myn executrs In the seyde pishs of Eastmallyng & Snodlande to the plesure of Godde & for the helth of or sowlis. dat. &c.
John and Alice: DRb Pa 3, f.474v [1464]
JohnBoteller. Notification of will [5 lines]: DRb Pwr i, f.2r [1440]
JohnBoteller/Butteler [‘senior’]
bequest in will of John Bamburgh (17-12-1449)
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
executor to Elizabeth Canon: probate act: DRb Pa, iii, f.409v: 12 May 1460
Will: DRb Pwr ii, f.211r-v: 6 March 1460/1 [English] [Probate Act: DRb Pa iii, f.439r, to executors Richard Canon and John Holeway: 25 Jan 1461/2]
brother [in-law?] = John: overseer to will with John Bewley
to John my brother’s children all my bedding
to Felia, my brother’s daughter, one young bullock
executors: Richard Canon; John Holewey
to brother John:
1 acre of land in Snodland and Birling
other lands to be sold be executors
to Snodland Church: 40s; to the chancel of the same church: 6s. 8d.
to the Abbey of Tonbridge: 20s.
William Boteler of Norwich, ‘barbour’; born in Snodland
Will: PCC 17 Godyn: 29 Sep 1466 [Probate 9 Mar 1466/7]
[from second part of will]:
...that Roger Stalworth of Snodland in the Countie of Kent del[i]v[ere]d to the 'handys of myn executor whos name is cleped Henry Amyett late my master 33s 4d Qf which I will that Isabell my sister if she be alyv have 6s 8d. And the residue of the said 33s 4d to the church where I was born. Also I will that
2 acres of land lying in a place c1eped motts
I will be sold by the hand of myn executors And the money comyng yrof be geven to my kynrede and sum to the church.
Itm and the
land lyng at laddys
which I will be sold by myn executors And the money therof comyng to bee disposed for my soule and thos soules the which I now be holden to. Also I will that
halfe a yerd at dene
be sold by myn ececutors And the money therof a mynde to by geven to the Repacon of the Church of Snodland before specified and to my kenred here. And furthermor I will that this my psent wille be govned and guyded by myn said executour Henry Amyett And noon other. And if so be that Roger Stalworth will of his goodenes helpe to selle three pcell before named that then he have for his labor ate the discrecon of myn said executour. Also I will that my said executour receyve of Robert Andrewe of Snod1ande 5/- for myghelmasse terme last passed before this date present which is the last day of Septembr the yer of our lord god 1466 [at Norwich]
John Buttler[‘junior’]
mentioned in will of Margery Spayn (1472)
feoffe of John Sevare: mentioned in Sevare’s will: 11 March 1480/1
mentioned in will of John Pole (1487)
7 Oct 1589: gift with warranty of ‘ Upper and Lower Okefeld’ [12 acres] and ‘Mottis’ 12 ½ acres] in Birling to William Tilghman (d.1493) and William Tilghman (d.1540); held by John Buttler by enfoeffment of Roger Stalworth and Richard Stoke of Snodland. [Calendar of Close Rolls]
mentioned in will of Roger Canon (1492)
‘T. Brampston Gard. [churchwarden] in a list of parish officers (late 15th cent.): DRb Pa, iv, f.320v
John brewster, rector of Paddlesworth. Exchange between Thomas Jade, vicar of Guston (patron = prior and convent of St. Martin, Dover) and John Brewster, rector of Paddlesworth, Rochester Dioces [Registrum Henrici Chichele, I, 142]: 1 Feb. 1416
mentioned in will of Thomas Parmenter (1459/60)
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley (24 Sep 1460)
Will: DRb Pwr iv, f.140r: (1473)
to be buried in the churchyard of Snodland
bequests to lights in church and tapers
to Richard Taylor 6s. 8d.
to Jane Fowlles my goddaughter: 12d.
to Richard Canon, one of my feoffes: 6s. 8d.
to John Taylor, one of my feoffes: 6s. 8d.
Jone Jordeyne
Stephen Browne: mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 29 Sep 1460
Henry Browne: witness to will of Henry Ward: 19 Sep 1492
DRb Pa iv, f.320v: list of parish officers (late 15th cent.) includes ‘W. Bygnor’.
Clerk, Snodland church.
Bequeathed 20d. in will of John Aston (1453)
‘John Byrll clericus’ bequeathed 20d. in will of Robert Dowle (1445)
‘John Byyyll’ bequeathed 6d. in will of John Sherreve (1451)
‘John Byrle’ bequeathed 6d. in will of Margery Hockyng (1455)
See DRb Pa 1, f.151: 28-July-1440.
Henry Canon: d.1454
husband of Alice; daughter = Agnes (wife of John Stonyng); son: Richard; son: Walter; son: William
Will: DRb Pwr ii, f.17r: 14 December 1454; Probate Act: DRb Pa ii, f.248: 3 Feb 1454/5, proved by wife Alice
to be buried in Snodland churchyard; bequests to lights; altar; repairs to churchyard walls; Aylesford friars
a bushel of grain to all sons and daughters in parish of Snodland
6s. 8d. to daughter Agnes, wife of John Stonynge
20d. to Richard Canon
20d. to Thomas Canon
20d. to Thomas Lerkyn
20d. to Roger Canon
residue to executors: wife Alice and son Richard
Alice to have: messuage and garden; 5 acres of land = 2 in
and 3 in
le Uppershote
; after her death to son Richard and his heirs
(1 acre in
lying beside the land of Roger Canon to the East and 1 acre land at
, 5 rods land at
all other lands to sons Walter and William after Henry’s decease.
Heirs of: mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460
Alice Canon: d.1457
wife of Henry (d.1454); son: John; son: William; son: Walter
Will: DRb Pwr ii, f.95a: 21 April 1457
to be buried in Snodland churchyard; bequests to lights and for repairs to church
son John
Agnes Stonyng
Elizabeth Stonyng
Godlyse Usher
John Canon
Margaret Canon
[no other reference to her yet found]
John Bereman
John, son of Walter Canon
son William
residue to sons Walter and William
executors: son Walter and Roger Canon of Halling
6s. 8d. to repair water courses between my house and Snodland church.
executors to sell half an acre of land
Elizabeth Canon (d.1460), wife of William (d.1459)
Probate Act: DRb Pa iii, f.409v: 12 May 1460; executor John Buteller.
John Canon
feoffe to Richard Canon in 1490
perhaps the son of Henry and Alice
?DRb Pa iii, f.405v
Richard Canon; d. 1490
executor of will of Robert Dowle; bequeathed 6s. 8d.: (1445)
executor of will of [father] Henry Canon: (1454); bequests to him
mentioned in will of John French (1457)
executor for William Canon (Probate Act DRb Pa iii, f.394v: 29 Nov 1459)
executor for William Andrew (Probate Act DRb Pa iii, f.408v: 25 April 1460)
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460
executor of will of John Boteler (6 March 1460/1)
31 Aug 1461: mentioned in feoffment; also a witness: CKS: U1515/T80A
1 Dec 1463: mentioned in feoffment (William Alysander and John Taylor); also a witness: CKS: U1515/T81
executor of will of Robert Grene: 5 Aug 1470
mentioned in will of Richard Palmer (1471)
mentioned in will of Thomas Ussher (1472)
feoffe of Thomas Broke (will: 1473)
mentioned in will of Thomas Haylocke (1481)
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.127v: 1490 [Find]
Robert Canon of Halling. d.1499
wife Alice (?daughter of William Andrew of Halling, mentioned in his will of 1456); daughter Alice (she mentioned in will of Margery Canon (1503)
witness to will of ‘cousin’ Richard Canon (1490)
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.315r: 10 April 1499 (Probate Act DRb Pa v, f.54a)
to be buried at Halling
wife Alice to have land in Snodland; half an acre called Brownland in the parish of Snodland.
Roger Canon d.1492
is son of Walter (d.1485) and Alice [or Walter Canon of Halling (d.1442 and his wife Alice?]
mentioned in will of Henry Canon (1454)
R.C. ‘of Halling’ mentioned in will of Alice Canon (1457)
executor for William Piers of Hallyng: 5 Jan 1457/8 (DRb Pa iii, f.338v)
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.198v-199r: 8 March 1492/3
to be buried in Snodland churchyard
bequests to altar and for repairs
a quarter of barley to sister Isabell
an acre of barley to William Butler
executors: wife and John Butler; John Smith to be overseer
witnesses: William Andrew; John Holway; John Sawcokke, clerk
son: John
son: William
mother: Alice
Thomas Canon
Husband of Margery (d.1503)
?DRb Pa iv, f.236v: Probate Act: Thomas Canon: 3 June 1493
Walter Canon (d.1485/6)
wife is Alice; son: Roger; daughter: Isabell; son: John
executor for Thomas Parmenter (1459/60)
witness to will of John Bereman (1459/60)
bequest of 12d. in will of Cecilia Andrew (1466)
received part of residue of estate of Watkyn Andrew (1478)
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.212v-213v: 20 Feb 1485/6
bequests to altars, etc.
residue of estate to executors: wife Alice and John Numan (+ 3s. 4d. to J.N.)
3s. 4d. to John Smith
land in the hands of my feoffes:
to son Roger: 4 acres of lands
in the dene
to wife Alice: all my messuages and other lands and goods until debts/bequests paid
5 marks to Isabell at age 21 (for marriage)
if Alice remarries: ‘I wyll sche have ij acr lands and a acr and a half acr lyng at
hye lads
and haf a acr lyyng
in the deen
to gyve sell and do her beste’ (Roger to have first refusal)
feoffes to have a piece of land called
the Rede
(4 acres or more) if debts not paid. [This granted by John Smith to William Tylghman: see U1515/T93: 1496-7.]
Residue of lands to Roger
Witnesses: John Holywey; Henry Martelyn; John Sampson; Thomas Heryng
William Canon. (? - 1459)
Will: DRb Pwr ii, f.148r: 5 September 1459
Wife: Elizabeth
Son: Richard, to be executor
William Canon (? - ?)
Mentioned in will of Thomas Benet (1461)
His daughter Joan mentioned in will of Thomas Benet (1461)
Thomas Chipton.
Mentioned in will of William Kent (7 Oct 1477): tenement in Burgate Street.
Wife = Johanna (dau. of William Kent), bequeathed 6s. 8d. in father’s will.
3s. 4d. bequeathed to WilliamClopton, son of Thomas Clopton in will of John Godeale (1492)
John Clegeant.
Executor of will of John Sevare (1480)
Executor of will of Stephen Hickmott (148.)
John: witness to will of William Speryng (1471)
John Clerk.
Mentioned in will of Thomas Parmenter (1459/60)
U1515/T80A: 31-8-1461. John Clerk lately of Snodland grants lands to John Taylor of Halling (Feoffment)
U1515/T93 (1442-3). John Clarke grants all his lands in Snodland and Hallinge to W. Speringe and Jo. Kent.
A John Clerk mentioned in will of William Holwell (16 Sep 1506)
William Clerk
Mentioned in First Probate Act Book, f.335r [20 May 1443]
Robert: witness to will of Richard Canon (1490)
Richard Colyn.
Mentioned in will of William Ussher (1444/5)
Mentioned in will of Geoffrey Alisander (1471)
Thomas Colyn, an executor of Richard Mawney [DRb Pa 2, f.226: 1 April 1454]
Richard Cooke
U1515/T93: 1 Jan 17 Ed. IV [1477/8]. ‘Roger Stalworth granteth to Richd Cooke 7½ acres & ½ virg. of lands and meadow in Snodland which he lately had by the feoffment of John Holwey, and released by John Beauly 30 December [1477]
20 March 18 Ed. IV [1478]. Richard Cooke grants to Thomas Parlebone diverse small parcels of land for £10.
Will: 2 Nov 1464
to be buried in churchyard; 12d each to high altars at Snodland and Birling; 4d. each to Crucifix altar, Blessed Virgin Mary and all lights
residue to wife Joan; she to be executrix with Thomas Waller
all lands in Birling to wife
witnesses: Robert Woke/Wode; John Codlyng
Executor for Robert Hokynge (1453)
Executor for John French (1459)
John, of Berling. (? - 1489)
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.98v (1489)
Wife: Johanne. Land in Snodland.
Mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
John and Joan
Probate Acts DRb Pa 3, ff. 473v and 497v.
John: mentioned in will of John Bamburgh (1449)
Bartholomew Crowe.
Witness to will of Robert Dowle (1445)
See also DRb Pa1, f.13v.
John Crowe. U1515/T80A. Mentioned in feoffment: 31 Aug 1461.
Perys Daby [Dalby?]mentioned in will of Watkyn Andrew (1478): 6s. 8d. to be delivered to Snodland church ‘of the go[o]ds of Perys Daby [presumably WA was executor].
Thomas Dalby (died 6 Oct. 1472)
clerk, Rector of Snodland 1453-1464
Brass in chancel [now lost]: picture survives. A cross flory between four lions rampant. ‘Hic jacet Thoms Dalby quidam Rector itius ecclie Qui obijt vjo die Octobrs Ao dni MoCCCColxxij cuis aie ppiciet de ame’
overseer and witness to will of Thomas Benet (1461)
mentioned in will of John Beauley (1480): ‘Sir Thomas Dalby late ... psn’ and ‘Margaret Armbawthr his sister’
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460, which he witnessed. [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
U1515/T81. 1-12-1463. Mentioned in feoffment W. Alisaunder and J. Taylor.
John Dalley (? - 1494)
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.255v (5 April 1494) [Probate Act for John DILLEY, f.34r]
to be buried in the churchyard; 6d. to altar light; bushels of fruit etc. to Blessed Mary Magdalene light; churches at Halling and Snodland; 12d. for repairs to Snodland church
bequest to Henry Stayn
residue to wife: Joan; she to have all lands in Snodland
daughter [not named] 20d at marriage
witness to will of John Goldehawke (1474)
[PRO. Cat. Ancient Deeds VI, C.3941] Quitclaim by John Dalley of Snodland and William Symes of Allhallows ... to Robert Rede, sergeant-at-law, Thomas Pympe, esq., William Wodegate, John Ware, and John Fraunces, of their right in a marsh called ‘Fraunces Mersch’ in the parish of St. Mary [Hoo]: 23 May 1492.
Robert Danyell. (? - 1443)
Probate Act: DRb Pa 1, f.354v: 16 Sep. 1443
Edward Danyell.
Feoffe to John Sevare - mentioned in JS’s will [11 Mar. 1480/1]
William: mentioned in will of John Bamburgh (1449)
Margery: mentioned in will of Thomas Hayloke (1481), daughter of Richard
Robert Dowle (? - 1445)
Will: DRb Pwr 1, f.30v: 17 April 1445
to be buried in churchyard; 10s. to high altar; 3s. 4d. each to lights: holy crucifix; blessed Mary; St Michael; 12d. to high altar of Halling; 10s. to maintain lights in the church; 12d. to the sacrist; 6s. 8d. to Aylesford friars; friars in Fleet Street, London
bequests to John Byrll/Dirle, clerk (20d.); Robert Lele (3s. 4d.); Robert Luk (12d.); Alice Kydort (6s. 8d.); John Goldhawk (20d.); Richard Canon (6s. 8d.)
residue to wife Margaret; she executrix with Richard Canon
witnesses: John Andrew; Barth. Crow; Thos. Uscher (and others).
See DRb Pa1, ff.73, 82, 84r, 88, 91v, 94r
Margaret Dowle, wife of Robert.
See DRb Pa1, ff. 99v, 105, 107r, 110, 113v, 115v, 118v, 119v
See DRb Pa1, f.377: 3 Feb 1443/4
Thomasine, wife of John Edward, bequeathed 40s. in will of John Aston (1453)
Will: DRb Pwr 6, f.69v: 22 July 1497
to be buried in churchyard
wife Alice to have house and land
feoffes: William Tylman; John Usher; William Taylor
Thomas: witness to will of John Aston (1453)
John (of Birling)
Mentioned in grant of a croft to Peter Ffyscher of Snodland: St Matthew, 1433.
Mentioned in will of John Bamburgh (1449)
Mentioned in will of Richard Palmer (1471)
John Essex, son of Robert Essex, bequeathed 3s. 4d. in will of John Goodeale (1492)
Robert: bequeathed 4d. in will of William Bereman (1442)
See DRb Pa1, ff. 8r, 14v, 18v, 27r
Westminster, 21 June 1452 [Pardon] William Estdoune of Snodelond, co. Kent, ‘husbondman’, for not appearing before John Juyn and his fellows to answer Robert Selby touching a debt of £4 [Cal. Patent Rolls, 1446-52]
John: mentioned in will of Thomas Hayloke (1481)
John (? - 1452/3)
Will: DRb Pwr 1, f.134r: 14 March 1452/3; Probate Act DRb Pa2, f.209: 25 June 1453
to be buried in churchyard; 3s. 4d. to high altar; 2d. each to holy crucifix and Blessed Mary lights; ¾ grain for St Stephen light
Wife: Joan; to hold land and tenement for 7 years
Daughters: Margerie and Isabella Fenne
Son: John to be executor with Joan
witness: William Smyth
‘late’ mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep. 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
John (? - 1499)
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.348v: 25 July 1499.
to be buried in the churchyard
Rob. Merkele to have his dwelling in the kechyn chambr for a yere and the bene hawe wt hitt.
to Thomas Merkele: a cow and household stuff
house and land to be sold: proceeds to his son in law
parish priest Sir William to have 20d. ‘for wryting of my will’
executors: William Payner and William Spayn; John Usher: overseer
witnesses: Sir William Lynton, parish priest; John Taylor; John Lulke and others
John (? - 1457)
Will: DRB Pwr ii, f.89r: 29 May 1457
to be buried in churchyard; 4d. each to high altar, crucifix light, Blessed Mary of Pity light; St. Stephen’s light; 13s. 4d. for oil to burn in the lamp before the image of the Holy Cross; money to be distributed: 5s. at death; 13s. 4d. at 30th day after; for a priest to say masses 33s. 4d.
6 virge-stones to mend
highway between my house and that of Roger Stalworth
6 virge-stones to mend
highway leading towards Malling, called ‘le plotte’ in Birling
6d. to each child
a cow to Alice Beachfelde
best gown to Thomas Goseley
6s. 8d. to kinsman, John Sabery
3 rods and 5 dayworks of my land in Sowthdene; 1 rod by Lincheshegge; ½ acre by Deryngs; ½ acre in croft next to Vedewslane; 1 acre, 3 rods, 5 dayworks in Northfelde in Birling, 1½ rods in Greteffryth in Birling
to be sold, but feoffes to remain.
residue to executors: Richard Canon and Walter Andrew + 3s. 4d. each
Executor for Geoffrey Hurt of Birling: DRb Pa2, f.66v
In will of Watkyn Andrew (1478): ‘Also I wille that myn executors delyr to ye church of Snodel ā d xiijs iiijd which I hadd yn kepying of the godes of Joh. Frenche for to kepe and susteyn a lampe and ij Taper yn the sayd church of Snodland.’
Ypine (? - 1459)
?wife of John?
Probate Act: DRb Pa3, f.387v: 23 July 1459. Executors John Kyng and Thomas Cupper.
Peter (? - 1444)
Will: DRb Pwr 1, f.25r-v: 20 July 1444; Probate Act: DRb Pa2, f.20r: 8 Feb. 1444/5
to be buried in churchyard of Snodland; to high altar 40d.; to crucifix light 6d; to high altar of Birling: 40d.; to Mary light in Snodland: 12d.; to St Michael light in Snodland: 3d.;
bequests to 8 priests for services, to parish clerk, to sacrist; 40d to be distributed in Snodland, Birling and Halling 30 days after death.
bushel of fruit to all sons and daughters
bequests to Joan, wife of Walter Andrew; Joan, my wife’s daughter; all sons and daughters; to John Absolon, son of Robert;
residue to wife Margery and after her death to be divided between my children
Executors: John Stonyng and PF’s wife Margeria
to Margery: 4 acres of land in the croft called Paynesfeld in Birling; all my tenements and lands except 1 acre of land lying at hieland which I will that Margery my daughter shall have and 1 acre of land in le dene which Alice my daughter had at her marriage
1 acre of land in kyngesmellefeld
6s. 8d. towards repairs and maintenance of the stone bridge at Blakebroke
to Joan, wife of Walter Andrew: 3 rods of land lying by Larkedenge
Daughters: Alis and Margeria
Grant of a croft to Peter Fyscher: St Matthew, 1433, by John Marchaunt and John Essex, both of Birling
Peter (? - 1499)
Probate Act: DRb Pwr v, f.56v
John (? - 1492)
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.183r-v: 6 May 1492; Probate Act v*, f.24v
servant = Roger Grene
bought land from Robert Martelyn
bequests of 6s. 8d. to John Sendell, son of Roger; 6s. 8d. to John Grene, son of Roger; 3s. 4d. to John Essex, son of Robert; 3s. 4d. to William Clopton, son of Thomas
witnesses: John Stonyng; William Perryman; John Saycock and others.
payment to Christopher Hawes
Probate Act Book DRb Pa1, ff.49r, 54v, 58v, 62v, 66r
Will: DRb Pwr iii, f.219v: 1 May 1474
to be buried in Snodland churchyard; 8d. to altar; 2d. to crucifix
to wife Margareta: my
messuage lying in Northstrete
in Snodland for life, then to daughter Joan
[more details missing]
witnesses: John Dalley; William Taylor, and others
Bequeathed 20d. in will of Robert Dowle (1445)
Mentioned in will of Thomas Ussher (1472)
Son: John; daughter: Joan
Wife of John: mentioned in will of Thomas Parmenter (1459/60)
Bequeathed a shirt in will of John Pole (1487)
John (? - 1487)
Probate Act: DRb Pa4, f.214r: 11 Feb. 1487
John [of Halling]
executor for John Holloway (1478)
feoffe of John Beauley of Rochester (1480)
executor for John Pole (1487)
witness to will of John Taylor (1490/1)
Mentioned in will of John French: 29 May 1457
His ‘mansion’ mentioned ‘late’ TG in will of Simon Spayn: 12 Mar. 1466
Probate Act: DRb Pa3, f.472v: 30 Jan. 1463
Robert (? - 1470)
Will: DRb Pwr iii, f.72r-v: 5 Aug. 1470
to be buried in the churchyard; 6d. to altar
rest of estate to wife Editha, she to be executrix with Richard Canon and Elizabeth Cole of Birling; witnesses: John Oleway [Holeway]; John Spayn
Edith: wife of Robert mentioned in his will
Servant to John Godeale: JG’s will: 6 May 1492
Son: John
John (? - 1443)
Will: DRb Pwr 1, f.15r: 22 May 1443
to be buried in churchyard; bequests to high altar, Mary’s altar, blessed Mary of Jesem, Holy crucifix,
bequests to poor on day of burial and at month’s mind and in bread and drink 6d; to rector and to church
residue to Nicholas Speryng and his wife Rose (of Snodland)
John Bamburgh
debts (to be paid to Nicholas and Rose Speryng):
kinsman William Halman in Hoo (40d.); Robt Ladde (20d.); John Gore of Burstall (40d.); executors of will of Matilda Wydyissch; Walter [...?], William Knyshe of Larkefled; John Phillip and wife Johanne (6s. 8d.)
Henry: mentioned in will of John Pole (1487)
Christopher mentioned in will of John Pole (1487); will of John Godeale (1492)
John mentioned in will of John Pole (1487)
Thomas (? - 1481)
Will: DRb Pwr iii, f, 311r-v: 16 Oct 1481
4d. to high altar
Margery and John each a quarter of barley
brother John a quarter of barley
bequests to John Farthyng; mother; Edmund Bisshopitree; Margery Danells; Richard Canon
residue to Thomas Haylocke and Agnes Haylocke, they to be executors
witnesses: Thomas Haylocke; Thomas [priest of Snodland]; Richard Arnold; John Taylor; Paul James
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep. 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, pp.321-3]
mentioned in will of William Ussher (1444/5)
witness to will of Geoffrey Alisander (1471)
Probate act: DRb Pa 4, f.68v (1480)
executors: Roger Stalworth and John Clegeant
Nicholas (? - 1493/4)
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.225r: 22 Jan 1493/4; Probate Act: DRb Pa 4, f.145v
to be buried in churchyard; 4d each to high altar and St Nicholas light
residue to wife Alice to be executrix; she to have half the tenement ‘William my son bowte’ for her lifetime
daughter: Ellen
Robert (? - 1453)
Will: DRb Pwr 2, f.10r-v: 10 Dec 1453; Probate Act: DRb Pa 2, f.231: 30 June 1454
to be buried in churchyard; 10s. to high altar; 10s. St Anne light; 10s. Blessed Virgin Mary light; 6s. 8d. to repairs of floor in church
brother: John
son: William
3s. 4d. to John Holleway
William Grymesby
2 acres land lying in a croft in Berlyng; another 4 acres in another croft in Berlyng.
witness: William Alisander
wife: Margerye (died 1455); executrix with Thomas Cupper
Will: DRb Pwr ii, f.39r: 10 Aug 1455; Probate Act DRb Pa 2, f.286: 15 Mar. 1456
to be buried in churchyard; 20d. to high altar; 12d. each to Blessed Virgin Mary light and crucifix light; 50s. to renovate [stained glass window] image of St James [i.e. ‘Palmer’ window]
to all sons and daughters: a bushel of barley valued 4d. each and 40d.
William, son of William Grymesby: household utensils
sonJohn a pot and 40d.
after Margery’s death, her feoffes Peter Baker and Richard Cook are to sell all tenements and lands in Snodland and Birling and the money to be given to executors;
6s. 8d. to work of church in Snodland; 50s. to work of church in Burham
40d. to repair and maintain
ways in Blake broke
6s. 8d. to maintain
way between Stonycrosse and Spaynescrosse
40d. to friars of Aylesford
witnesses: Walter Andrew; Thomas Hend; Peter Baker
William (? - 1485)
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.77r; Probate Act: v*, f.10r: 7 Sep. 1485
to be buried in churchyard; 3s. 4d. to high altar; 2d. to 4 men bearing body to church; 3 masses to be said then; bread and cheese; 3 masses at month’s mind; 6s. 8d. to maintain a wax light on altar of Our Lady of Jerusalem
son: Richard to have house in Snodland and utensils (including brass/pewter)
bequests to Roger Andrew; Margaret Stalworth
witnesses: John Smyth; William Andrew [20d. each for their labour]
John (<1442 - 1478)
Will: DRb Pwr iii, f.167v: 12 April 1478
8d. to altar; 6d. to Blessed Mary of Jerusalem; 6d. to St Mary of Pyte; 8d. to crucifix
all goods to wife: Dionisia, she to be executrix with John Good [he to receive 6s. 8d.]
all lands to Dionisia for life, then to son John, then to Thomas, son of John
son: John: grandsons: Thomas
and Walter; granddaughters [daughter of son John]: Joanand Alice
witnesses: Richard Legat; Benet Phylyp of Berlyng; William Newton of Snodland
bequeathed 4d. in will of William Bereman (1442)
executor for Robert Hokynge (1453); bequeathed 3s. 4d.
executor for John Bereman (1459); bequeathed 12d.
executor for Thomas Parmenter (1459/60)
executor for John Boteler (1460/1)
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley 24 Sep. 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
feoffe of Thomas Benet (mentioned in TB’s will: 1461)
witness to will of Robert Grene (1470)
U1515/T93: 1 Jan 1477: Roger Stalworth grants to Richard Cooke 7½ acres and ½ acre virge of land and meadow in Snodland, which he lately had by the feoffment of Jo: Holwey; and released by Jo. Beauly: 30 December [1476].
William Allwey [Holloway]
A witness to will of Watkyn Andrew (1478)
Exchange between Thomas Jade, vicar of Guston (Patron = prior and convent of St. Martin, Dover) and John Brewster, rector of Patlesworth, Rochester Diocese. [Registrum Henrici Chichele (Archibishop of Canterbury) I, 142] 1 Feb. 1416. Rector of Paddlesworth.
bequest and mentioned in will of William Kent (1477)
mentioned in will of Thomas Hayloke (1481)
Quitclaim: 24 June 1407. Amice Lulk, widow and relict of Geoffrey Lulk of Snodland to John Jolyff alias Clerk of Snodland: her rights in her estate [in Snodland] which her husband sold to John Jolyff. Witnesses: John Reneyt, William Stowne, William Uscher, Thomas Newman, John Lulk at Snodland. [DRc T639]
Thomas: mentioned in will of Thomas Broke (1473)
Jone: bequeathed 26d. 8d. in will of John Aston (1453)
William (? - 1499)
Coll.: DRb Pwr v* 54r: proved by MargaretJoye: 8 April 1499
mentioned in will of Nicholas Hilles (1493/4)
executor to John Aston, witness to his will (1453) and also his servant.
Probate act: DRb Pa 3, f.496v: to wife Joan
would have been executor for Stephen Andrew (same ref.), but replaced by John Taylor.
witness to will of William Andrew of Halling (1456)
U1515/T93 [1442-3]. John Clarke grants all his lands in Snodland and Halling to W. Speringe and Jo. Kent
[1461-2]. John Andrewe and Jo. Kent to Jo. and Robt Andrew, sons of Henry Andrewe: all the purport of a messuage in Holborgh 6 ac 3 rod 6 daywerc of land, meadow and woods in Snodland and Lodysdon, late of Th & Will Andrewe
Will: DRb Pwr iii, f.281v: 7 Oct 1477.
2d. to high altar;2d. to crucifix; 2d. to Paulo James; 20d. to poor at burial; 3s. 4d. at month’s mind
residue to Robert Lulk of Snodland and Richard Clark of Frindsbury, my feoffes, they to be executors
to dau. Margery (married to Robert Lulk): 6s. 8d.
to dau. Johanna/Joan (married to Thomas Chipton): 6s. 8d.
tenement and garden in Burgate Street (bought from Thomas Chipton)
witnesses: Roger Stalworth; John Smyth; Paul James and others
Richard: mentioned in will of Henry Scrivener (1477)
bequest in will of John Bamburgh (1449)
Alice: bequest of 6s. 8d. in will of Robert Dowle (1445)
Probate Act: DRb v*, f.10r (1485)
executor is Richard Stok
witness to the grant of a croft to Peter Fyscher by John Marchaunt and John Essex of Birling. St Matthew, 1433 [Arch Cant. X, p.321]
executor: probate of ... Frenssh: 23 July 1459: DRb Pa 3, f.387v
mentioned in will of Simon Spayn (1466)
mentioned in will of Margery Spayn (1472)
mentioned in will of John Pole (1487)
Mawde Lacy mentioned in will of John Pole (1487)
mentioned in will of John Halman (1443)
Richard. Priest and ‘offycyall to ye Archidiacon of Rochester’.
mentioned in will of William Alisander (1469)
mentioned in will of Geoffrey Alisander (1471)
witness to will of Thomas Rowe (1474)
witness to will of John Goldehawke (1474)
witness to will of Watkyn Andrew (1478)
witness to will of John Holwey (1478)
Bequeathed 3s. 4d. in will of Robert Dowle (1445)
Richard: see DRb Pa 1, ff.54v; 58v: 3 Mar 1437-8
Thomas: bequest with wife Margaret in will of John Bamburgh (1449)
bequeathed 20d. in will of Henry Canon (1454)
witness to will of John Bereman (1459/60)
Thomas: bequest in will of John Bamburgh (1449)
HMC 5threport: p.548 [7-8 Hen. VII = 1492-3] Corporation of New Romney. Paid William Lucas, master of the Antony of Snodland, for prest for himself and two mariners in that ship, 8s.
Amice Lulk, widow and relict of Geoffrey Lulk of Snodland releases her rights in her estate in Snodland which her husband sold to John Jolyff alias Clerk of Snodland. Among witnesses in JohnLulk. 24 Jan 1407-8.
witness to grant of a croft to Peter Ffyscher by John Marchaunt and John Essex of Birling. St Matthew 1433 [Arch. Cant. X, 321]
See DRb Pa 1, f.73 (1438).
bequeathed 12d. in will of Robert Dowle (1444/5)
executor: will of Simon Spayn (1466)
a feoffe of William Kent; received residue of WK’s estate and was executor (7-10-1477)
Margerie Lulk [perhaps wife of Robert and] dau, of William Kent bequeathed 6s. 8d. in WK’s will.
witness to will of Thomas Stalworth (1497)
DRb Pa iv, f.320v: list of parish officers (late 15th cent.) includes ‘Rob. Lulke’.
(Sir) William (parish priest): witness to will of John a Fever (1499)
Probate: DRb Pwr 1, f.152r; DRb Pa 2, f.226: 1 April 1454
Robert: mentioned in will of William Ussher (1444/5)
NB: Agnes Mitchell: will: 1464: Halling; John Mitchell: will: 1460: Halling; Simon Mitchell: will: 1472: Halling
see DRb Pa 1, f.354v: 16 Sep 1443
William: mentioned in will of William Canon (1459)
John: mentioned in will of Richard Canon (1490); a feoffe of RC
William Newton of Snodland a witness to will of John Holloway (1478)
John: executor for William Bereman (1442)
William: executor for John a Fever (1499)
Probate Act: DRb Pa 1, ff.49r, 54v, 58v, 62v: 3 Feb 1437/8
Will: DRb Pwr iii, f.117v: 4 July 1471
to be buried in churchyard; to high altar 6d.; to holy cross light a bushel of barley; I bequeath an altar cloth of the image of Blessed Mary of Piety, that this shall cover the image of the Blessed Mary Magdalene to protect the image from becoming defiled and unclean; 6s. 8d. to Carmelite Brothers of Aylesford for prayers; 6d. to altar of Borrowsham [Burham] and 6d. for torches in the same church; 4d. to altar of Berelyng
to John Easey[?] my son: 3s. 4d.
residue to executors: Richard Canon and John Taylor;
son Thomas to have my mansion and 14 dayworks, which I had by exchange with Roger Stalworth for 7 dayworks; the barn and adjacent garden
bequests to poor
land in Sowthden to be sold
son: Thomas
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
mentioned in will of William Alisander (1469)
Thomas (? - 1460)
Will: DRb Pwr ii, f.157v; Probate: DRb Pa 3, f.404v: executors: J. Holeway and Walter Canon
land in Sowthedene
repairs to bridge of Blakebroke
bequests to Roger Stalworth; John Clerk; John Sevare; Margaret, wife of John Goldehawke; Thomas Broke; Thomas [...]; William Smyth;
residue to wife Margaret
sons: Johnand William
witnesses: John Holowey; Walter Canon; Roger Stalworth
father: John; acted as executor for him: DRb Pa2, f.92 (22 April 1448)
son: John (? - 1489)
Probate Act DRb Pa 4, f.62r: 1 Oct 1489: executor is John Stonyng
son: William
mentioned in will of William Smyth (1458)
executor for William Canon: 29 Oct 1459 (DRb Pa 3, f.394v)
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
Probate Act: DRb Pa 3, f.455r, 488, 497v: 27 Dec 1462 et seq.
executrix = wife: Joan
executor for probate of Thomas Benet 26 Apr 1462: [DRb Pa3, 444v. and 446v]
Rector at Stone from 4 Aug 1461
Rector at Wouldham from 27 May 1465
Rector of Snodland: 15 Aug 1469 to 12 Aug 1498
mentioned in will of William Alisander (1469)
mentioned in will of Geoffrey Alisander (1471)
feoffe of John Beauley of Rochester (1480)
witness to will of Richard Stokke (1485)
executor for Edward Bischoptre (1487)
executor for Margaret Bischoptre (1487)
Pauline prebnd of Harlesden from 12 Aug 1498
Prebend of Brounswood from 28 Oct 1499
?Precentor of York Minster: 20 Oct 1503; died and buried there Feb. 1518.
DRb Pa 4, f.320v: included in list of parish officers (late 15th cent.): ‘M Jo perott rec.’
An official who dealt with probate at Rochester and West Malling.
Roger Perott, possibly father. Brass in All Saints, Snodland: Orate p[ro] a[ni[m]a Rogeri perot qui obijt xvii die mens Septe[m]bris a[nn]o d[omi]ni Mocccclxxxvj Cuius anime p[rop]reitur de amen
William: witness to will of John Godeale (1492)
witness to will of Nicholas Hilles (1493)
John (? - 1461)
Will: DRb Pwr ii, f.251v: 3 Feb 1460/1 [8 lines only]; probate: DRb Pa3, f.447r, 465v: 14 June 1462: to be bureid where God wills; all estate to wife Margaret
mentioned in will of John Halman (1443)
wife Joan mentioned in will of John Halman (1443)
bequeathed 6s. 8d. in will of John Aston (1453)
wife Margaret bequeathed all estate in 1460/1; she is executrix
sister is Elizabeth, mother of Geoffrey and William Alisander.
DRb Pa 4, f.320v: ‘Johes Picher’ is in list of parish officers (late 15thcent.)
executor of John Andrew (1463)
mentioned in will of Cecilia Andrew (1466)
is married to either Agnes or Joan, daughters of John and Cecilia Andrew
son Thomas (mentioned in will of Cecilia Andrew)
U1515/T93: 1466: Walter Bounds and wife, Henry Pylcher and wife release grant to the executors of Cecilie, widowe of Jo. Andrewe.
Will: 29 Dec 1487
Chapell of our lady i the North syde of y church of Snodland to church: 6/8d
to High Altar:
‘Also I bequeyth to a tabell of alabastrfor ye autor in ye said chapell a xls’ for to pray for John Haw Xpofer Haw and for the soulis of John Pole and John Cotton. Also I will thyt myne executors by a stone to ley on my grave wtin a yere of my decease. Also I will yt ye best crosse in Snodland Church be amendyd on my cost. Also I bequeyth xs to bye a pyx for the blyssyd sacrament in the sayd church. Itm I will yta tap(er) of 2 lb of wax bryn afor our lady of Je(ru)s(al)om by the space of a yere. Also I wyll & bequeyth to eche of my god childern vjd. Also I bequeyth to Willm lacy my Re.. gowne and a shert. Also to Ro. Prasshe a Posset Gowne. Itm. to John Qulbe my gowne wt blew. lynyng. Also to Robt. servant wt Johne Cotton a payer of hosyn. Also to John Derrant a ledder dowblett and a payer of hosyn.Also to Gylis Gorton my bows for money yt I owe to hym. Also to Willm Walshe svaunt of my brodyr John Haw a sheffe of arows. Also I bequeyth to luce holbe a rede cowe bullok and yff she de
I wille
any other of theym. Itm I will yt myn executors pay to John Derant my servnt xxxvijs vjd and ij Gownys as soone as they have money. Itm. I bequeath to mawde lacy a shert. Itm to Margaret Goldhawke a shert. The Resydewe of all my goods movable I will yt it be praysed by John Smyth and John Stonyng and John Butteler wt pte of which goods I will yt my broder Xpofer be payd his debbts and yf it will streche yer to and yff it Will not then I will yt he have
an acre of land and ½ at Boughmers
so yt he be content and payd all his dute to his pleasure for I putt it to in his
for he knowyth the trewe reasonnyng. Also I bequeyth for the said iij preysons above named vjs viijd and I make and ordeyn myn executors my broder Xpofer Haweand Willm Wode and John Goode and I bequeyth to each of them for ther labor xiijs iiijd and I ordeyn and make my Broder John Hawe overseer of yis my Testament and last will. These beyng Wyttnes S John Brampton vicar of Berlyng; John Smyth; Thomas Stalworth; Henry Hardy; Johanna Bennet and mo other. wrettyn the day and yere above sayd.
Lands; in Snodland, Birling,. Paddlesworth, Aylesford.
tenement of Snodland called Botelers
wt thappertenances be juged by Awarde myn’.. to Christopher ...‘wt this condicion that he sufficiently plomb(?) (=drain?) ye
blake Broke
from Snodland to Newehith.’ Otherwise Buttelers to be sold and a will ‘that ther be boughte a Chalesse for the church of Snodland’. Residue to executors.
Lost Brass [Weaver: The Ancient Funeral Monuments of England, 1631]: Here lyeth John Pole, sonne of Henry Pole of Hartington in the County of Derby who deceased 1487.’
William: bequeathed 4d. in will of William Bereman (1442)
Margaret Pynson of Maidstone mentioned in will of William Ussher (1444)
6 Feb 1437/8: Westminster. Pardon for Nicholas Reynalt of Snotheland, ‘smyth’, for not appearing before the justices of the bench to answer John Petrisfeld, ‘citizen and iremonger’ of London, touching a plea of debt of 40s. [Cal. Patent Rolls, 1436-41]
Probate Act: DRb Pa 2, f.96v: 21 Oct 1448; executor: John Andrew
Will: DRb Pwr iv, f.208v: 28 Mar 1474
‘of bellyng in Snodland’; to be buried in churchyard; 6d. to Aylesford friars; 4d to high altar
residue to wife: Christian; executrix with Roger Stalworth. Also 2 acres at Rowe, parish of Aylesford, bought from Thomas Mund of Burham; a yard of land at Burham bought of Martyn [...] called Blakmonshott to ye lands of Thomas A Rowe
to daughter Joan
(before 1474 married William Andrewe of Snodland [who died 1512]) 2 acres lying at Cirkyns in Codyngton, parish of Aylesford
witnesses: Richard Legatt (parish priest); Thomas Stalworth
John. Clerk
witness to will of Roger Canon (1492)
witness to will of John Godeale (1492)
witness to gift of land by John Butler to Tilghman: 7 Oct 1489 [Cal. Patent Rolls]
Henry (? - 1477)
Miller of Snodland. Owned messuage and garden in Watrythbyrry [Wateringbury]
Will: DRB Pwr iii, f.258r-v
to be buried in churchyard; 12d. to high altar; 4d. to crucifix
residue of estate to wife Alice: executrix
witnesses: John Stanyerth; Ric. Kyng; William Tailer; Walter Andrewe
John (? - 1481)
lived West of Benet’s Place : possibly site of Woodlands Farm
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.21r: 11 Mar. 1480/1
to be buried in churchyard; 6d. to altar; 2d. to Holy Cross light;
residue to wife Alice, she to be executrix with John Clegeant
executors to sell
5 yards of land in le den at le Busch in Snodland; 1 yard of land in Snodland between land of Christopher Haw (W); my tenement (E); rector’s lands (S); Thomas Stalworth (N)
tenement held by indenture from Master or steward of the hospital of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Strood ; my feoffes Edward Danyell and John Butler shall hand over their title in the lands when required
executor for Nicholas Smyth: 5 Jan 1457/8
mentioned in will of Thomas Parmenter (1459/60)
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
Will: DRb Pwr i, ff.103v-104r; probate act: DRb Pa 2, f.154v, 165r-v: 7 June 1451
to be buried in churchyard; 3s. 4d. to high altar; 6d. each to holy crucifix and Blessed Mary lights;
residue to wife Petronillo and to John Baker of Horsmonden;
mentions John Martyn of Brenchislee; feoffes John St...? and Peter Smyth
wife: Petronella
mentioned in will of John Bamburgh (1449)
see DRb Pa1, f.49a: 3-2-1437/8
DRb Pa 1, f.66r: 1438)
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
Probate Act: DRb Pa3, f.338v: 5 Jan 1457/8: ‘Nichi Benet als Smyth’
Will: DRb Pwr ii, f.158r-v ; probate DRb Pa 3, f.404v: 31 Mar 1460
executor for Richard Pakeman: Drb Pa 1, ff.49r,54v,58v,62v: 3 Feb 1437/8
witness to grant of a croft to Peter Fyscher by John Marchaunt and John Essex of Birling (St Matthew, 1444) [Arch. Cant. X, 321]
witness to will of William Ussher (1444/5)
witness to will of John Fenne (1452/3)
executor for Nicholas Benet alias Smyth: 5 Jan 1457/8
mentioned in will of Thomas Parmenter (1459/60)
wife = Joan; executrix for him
son = William
daughter = Margery
Will: DRb Pwr ii, f.377r-v: 12 Mar 1466/7; probate 25 April 1467
to be buried in churchyard; 6s. 8d. to high altar; 4d. to every light; 13s.4d. to Augustinian and Minor brothers in City of London for 100 masses; 6s.8d. to Brothers of Aylesford for 64 masses; 5 lb of wax for candles
12s. for highway repairs between
Jolyffs Crosse and the mansion which was late Thomas Goseler’s
12d. for repairing
ways between the back cross and the church of Snodland
one calf to William Lacy
to Joan, daughter of John Boteler my son, one lamb
to all sons and daughters aged less than seven: ½ bushel of malt
residue to wife Margery; executrix with Robert Lulk; Roger Stalworth: supervisor
wife Margery to have
messuage at Burgate Crosse with 3 rods of ground lying by that messuage and belonging to it; messuage called Ffynderus; 1½ acres of land lying next to Bergh hyll
for her life, then to son John or next-of-kin. [anniversary of SS’s death to be kept]
son John:
1 acre of land in le dene next to Shorthegge
wife Margery to have all other
tenements and lands in Snodland, Berlyng and Padelesfford
for life, then to son John, except for
½ acre of land at hielond and 3 rods lying at Wodekk downe
, which are to be sold.
(if John dies before Margery, and without heirs, then all to remain to daughter Joan, or if she dies before Margery, to be sold).
wife = Margery
Will: DRb Pwr iv, f.177v: 28 June 1472
to be buried in the churchyard; 3s. 4d. to high altar; 4d. to all lights; 20d. to Brothers at Aylesford; 20d. to Minor Brothers in London
to William Lacy half a quarter of barley
to John Butler junior a mother lamb
residue to daughter Joan Apsolon of Cokyston, executrix with her husband Richard.
daughter Joan to have
messuage at Burgate Crosse with 3 rods of ground by it; messuage called Ffynderus
William Spayn, so of my son John Spayn, 3 perches of land called vulgarly Gosecrofte in Berelyng and 5 rods of land called Motte lying in Berelyng [or to Joan if he dies without heirs]
son = John Boteler [either ‘son-in-law’ or son by wife’s previous marriage]; his son is William
daughter = Joan Boteler [= Richard Apsolon of Cuxton by 1472]
witness to grant of a croft to Peter Fyscher by John Marchaunt and John Essex of Birling (St Matthew, 1444) [Arch. Cant. X, 321]
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
John [Boteler?]
witness to will of Robert Grene (1470)
mentioned in will of Margery Spayn (1472)
son William mentioned in will of Margery Spayn (1472)
bequeathed residue of estate of John Halman (1443)
wife Rose mentioned in will of John Halman (1443)
Margery, daughter, mentioned in will of William Smyth (1458)
Will: DRb Pwr iii, f.115v: 28 Jan 1469/70
6d. to altar; 4d. each to St. Anne, St Mary lying with child; holy cross [lights/altars]
4d. each to all sons and daughters
residue to wife Alice, she to be executrix with John Taylor (he to receive 12d.)
Robert Taylor, son of John, to have a pot
witnesses: Roger Stalworth; William Alisander; John Clegewyn and others
U1515/T93: 1442-3: John Clarke grants all his lands in Snodland and Halling to W. Speringe and Jo. Kent.
U1515/T80: Witness to feoffment: 31 Aug 1461
U1515/T81: Witness to feoffment: 1 Dec 1463
bequest of 12d. in will of Cecilia Andrew (1466)
[NB a messuage called STALFORDS 1531-1753]
Johanna: Probate Act DRb Pwr v, f.15r: (1487); widow; proved by William Andrew
Margaret: bequeathed ‘a ketill’ in will of William Holdernesse (1485)
witness to will of Henry Scrivener (1477)
Proceedings in the Court of Requests, Bundle VII, No. 18 [Req. 2/7/18]: v. Edward Salmon and Agnes his wife, regarding a tenement in Snodland (c.1497) which they had allowed to fall into disrepair and had felled timber.
is cousin and heir of Robert Stalworth, son and heir of Roger Stalworth, late of Snodland
Robert (son of Roger of Snodland)
married Agnes Reve, dau. of [...] Reve of Maidstone. Roger gave them a tenement and eight acres in Snodland. Robert died before 1497 and Agnes re-married: Edward Salmon of Snodland.
mentioned in will of John French (1457)
executor for probate of Nicholas Benet alias Smyth (1457/8) and William Piers of Halling (1457/8)
overseer to will of William Smyth (1458-60)
witness, etc. to wills of Thomas Parmenter and John Bereman (1459/60)
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
U1515/T81. Witness to feoffment: 1 Dec 1463
mentioned in will of William Boteler of Norwich, barber (1466)
overseer to will of Simon Spayn (1466)
witness to wills of William Speryng and William Alisander (1469)
mentioned in wills of Richard Palmer and Geoffrey Alisander (1471)
mentioned in will of Thomas Rowe (1474)
witness to will of William Kent (1477)
U1515/T93: 1 Jan 1478: Roger Stalworth grants to Richard Cooke 7½ acres and ½ acre virge of land and meadow in Snodland which he lately had by the feoffment of Jo: Holwey: and released by Jo. Beauly: 30 Dec 1477.
witness to will of Watkyn Andrew (1478)
John Boteler held lands [Upper and Lower Okefeld 12 acres and/or Mottis (12½ acres) in Birling, by enfeoffment of Roger Stalworth and Richard Stoke [Cal. Close Rolls 7 Oct 1489]
Will: DRb Pwr v, ff.298v-299r: 21 Oct 1497; probate DRb Pwr v, ff.47v-48r
to be buried in the churchyard; 6d. for repairs to churchyard walls
a bushel of barley to all children
residue to wife Joanand son John: 2 horses
tenement in Burgate Street with garden adjoining, 1 acre in parsonage field, 2 acres in Foxdale, 2 acres in Trentfelde
daughters = Alice; Margaret
witnesses: Ralph Alderson, curate; William Lancaster; Rob. Lulk, [...] Mores
witness to will of Thomas Rowe (1474)
mentioned in will of John Sevare (1480)
witness to will of John Pole (1487)
witness to will of Richard Canon (1490)
Will: DRb Pwr v, f.77v: 15 Mar 1485/6
to be buried in churchyard; 20d. to high altar; to cathedral; 4d. each to cross light; our lady light; Blessed Mary of Jerusalem light; light of our lady of piety
a bushel of barley to every godchild
residue to wife Margaret (probate act: v*, f.15v: St Agnes Day 1487); executrix with John Smith
she to have house and land for life; then it to be sold with proceeds to repairs of Snodland church and our lady chapel in Holborough
William Stace of Gravesend to have the value of the said house + 26s. 8d.
witnesses: Jo. perott, parson of Snodland; Edwarde Bishoptre, yeoman
executor of John Fenne: 25 June 1453
witness to will of Cecilia Andrew (1466); bequest too
witness to will of Geoffrey Alisander (1471)
mentions John Holden of Hadlow as brother of my wife
John Boteler had held lands [Upper and Lower Okefeld and/or Mottis in Birling (12 + 12½ acres)] by enfeoffment of Roger Stalworht and Richard Stoke [Cal. Close Rolls: 7 Oct 1489]
executor for Peter Fyssher: 8 Feb 1444: DRb Pa2, f.20r
executor of John Parmenter: 1 Oct 1489: DRb Pa4, f.62r
is daughter of Henry and Alice Canon and wife of John Stonyng
bequeathed 6s. 8d. in will of Henry Canon (1454)
bequeathed 6s. 8d. in will of Alice Canon (1457)
bequeathed 6s. 8d. in will of William Canon (1459)
her daughter Elizabeth mentioned in wills of Alice Canon and William Canon
Probate Act: DRb Pwr v*, f.32r: 1493
John [of Halling?]
Will: DRb Pwr vi, ff.143r-144r: 20 Feb 1490/1
to be buried in the churchyard; 8d. to alter light; 6d. to crucifix light; 4d. to Mary of Jerusalem light;; 4d. to Mary of Piety light; 12d. for repairs to Halling church
stones to repair the
way at lamkynstile
bequests to John, son of William Taylor; son Richard (26s. 8d. and utensils); son William (26s. 8d.); son Henry (26s. 8d.); wife Margaret
witnesses: George Capell; John Gode
lands in Snodland to wife for life, then to son Richard
lands in Halling to wife for life, then to son Henry
son: Richard mentioned in will of Thomas Broke (1473)
witness to will of William Andrew of Halling (1456)
U1515/T80A: Feoffment between John Clerk, lately of Snodland, and John Taylor of Halling: 31 Aug 1461
executor for John Andrew (1463)
U1515/T81: Feoffment and counterpart between William Alysaunder of Snodland and John Taylor of Halling: 1 Dec 1463
executor of William Speryng (1469); bequeathed 12d.
mentioned in will of Richard Palmer (1471)
witness to will of Geoffrey Alisander (1471)
mentioned in will of Thomas Broke (1473) as one of his feoffes; bequeathed 6s. 8d.
witness to will of Thomas Hayloke (1481)
witness to will of John a Fever (1499)
executor for Margaret Stok (1487: probate act)
Probate Act: DRb Pa 3, f.519r: 17 Mar 1465
d.1493: Will: PCC 2 Vox [PROB11/10,f.2]: 15 Sep 1493
buried in St James Garlickhithe: monument to ‘William Tiligham’ recorded by Stow.
brother: Thomas: Thomas’s children: William, John, Ralph, Agnes, Margaret
wife: previously married to Thomas Saunders
lands in Snodland, Halling, Birling, Paddlesworth to nephew William
lands in Pluckley and Bethersden to nephew Ralph
7 Oct 1489: gift of “Upper and Lower Okefeld” (12 acres) and “Mottis” (12½ acres) to W.T. [and W.T. d.1541] by John Boteler of Snodland, formerly held by JB by enfeoffment of Roger Stalworth and Richard Stoke [Cal. Patent Rolls].
witness to a quitclaim of Lulk and Jolyff: 24 Jan 1407
Will: DRb Pwr i, f.19v: 13 Mar 1444/5
to be buried in churchyard; 20d to high altar; 4d to lights in the church and to high altars of Halling, Wouldham, Birling, Hever, Tudeley
½ bushel of grain to each son and daughter
Margaret Pyson of Maidstone ¾ of barley
priest to celebrate for all souls of family etc.
40d. for repairs to ways between the mansion of John Heryng and mansion of Nicholas Colyn where most need is.
bequests to Thomas Usscher; Robert Mychell; William Smyth
to son Walter: all tenements and lands, 20 pieces of silver and household utensils; 4½ acres called Brokeffelds and mellefelds; 2 acres in Northmeyd;
to son Thomas: 40 pieces of silver; 2 acres in Northmeyd; 3 acres at ‘bussh’ after the death of William’s wife, Elizabeth; 7 acres called vycland
26s. 8d. to church and to distribute to poor
son: Walter
son: Thomas
Will: DRb Pwr 4, ff.30v-31r: 20 Nov 1472
to be buried in Snodland churchyard next to father; bequest to Aylesford friars
bequests to John Goldhawke, my farmer; John Gode of Halling; Richard Canon
to son John: land and tenements in Snodland and Halling at age 20, with household stuff, 2 oxen, 2 horse, 6 sheep, 12 bushels of wheat, 3 quarters of barley
to wife Elizabeth:
tenement called Lamkyns
and its land for life, then to son John, or sold if no heirs.
‘Also I will that myn executors by a stone to Cowyr my faders grave and myn & that my fadyrs name & myn be wryttyn ther uppon for a ppetual remembrance and memory that all men & women that rede or se it pray bo in way of Charyte.’
father = William (d.1444/5); Thomas was executor
wife = Elizabeth
son = John
house called ‘Lamkyns’
see DRb Pa 1, ff.82, 84r, 88, 91v, 94r (1438)
witness to will of Robert Dowle (1445)
witness to will of John Bamburgh (1449)
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]
U1515/T80A: witness to feoffment: 31 Aug 1461
U1515/T81: mentioned in feoffment: 1 Dec 1463
witness to will of Geoffrey Alisander (1471)
William, son of John Ussher mentioned in will of William Smyth (1458)
see DRb Pa1, ff.91, 93v, 102, 104v: 7 Jan 1438/9
Probate Act: DRb Pa 4: 9 July 1481
Probate Act: DRb Pa3, f.450: 27 July 1462
mentioned in will of Alice Canon (1457)
mentioned in will of John Bamburgh (1449)
Thomas: executor for Thomas Cooper (1464)
Richard: mentioned in will of John Bamburgh (1449)
Will: PCC: 24 Luffenam: 1 Aug 1437
citizen and grocer [of London]. To be buried in St Magnus by London Bridge
two torches to be burned in churches of Snodland and Halling
20s. to high altar of Snodland church for tithes etc.; 20 pieces of silver to poor there
20s. to repair the way from ‘le Blakwalle subteus le Breche’ towards Snodland
20 marks to church of Snodland for vestments for priest, deacon and subdeacon
14s. 4d. to Walter Andrew
feoffes of and in manors of Snodland and Halling
land to wife Elizabethfor her lifetime
Henry: feoffe of Richard Canon (1490)
John: mentioned in will of John Bamburgh (1449)
[clerk]: probate: coll. DRb v*, f.15r: 1487
executor of will of John Pole (1487)
witness to will of John Bamburgh (1449); Richard Woottonis executor.
mentioned in grant of lands to John Beauley: 24 Sep 1460 [Arch. Cant. X, 321-3]